Dragon Extermination Force Myth in Industry and Ire | World Anvil

Dragon Extermination Force

"I've seen them. They were unlike any military force I'd ever seen. They rode into town with trucks and covered trailers - weapons no doubt. They only stayed one night then headed up that perilous mountain. Almost a week later, late at night, there was a flash of light, like a star had fallen. And then we heard it; an explosion loud enough to rattle windows and doors. Whatever they took up that mountain to face that dragon, it's too dangerous for the world." -lonely bar patron
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The Dragon Extermination (DX) Force is a recent conspiracy theory derived from several eye-witness accounts and leaked reports from various weapon development projects. The theory goes that the Ponturan government was looking into new weapons for eliminating dragons. They ended up developing a weapon so powerful it could kill a dragon in just one hit. A special team from the Ponturan military was put together in order to drive the weapon to a dragon and fire it; a suicide mission if it failed. Fortunately for the team, the weapon performed flawlessly, and they travelled across the country exterminating dragons, the the point that no one has seen a dragon in almost 30 years.


Most evidence for the existence of the DX Force comes from eyewitness accounts; people who claimed to see military vehicles heading towards locations with known dragons. Others had claimed to even get soldiers from the force to talk after getting them drunk, although no names have ever been associated with the project. The only hard evidence ever presented were several leaked reports from a weapons development program that mentioned the need for "firepower that could eliminate a large beast with flight capabilities". There was no mention of who would receive the weapons or if they were even developed.

Weapon Theories

Based on the leaked reports, theories were created about what type of weapon was used. Some believe that it was like a traditional artillery piece, just large and with magic rounds. Others believe it was a weapon left by the gods. Another theory comes from a line in one of the reports; "The newly discovered ability to induce movement of conductive materials with electricty could be the key to unlocking a new devastating type of weaponry." While it was theoretically possible to create an electrically operated weapon, the amount of energy needed to fire such a weapon would be on the scale of not just a city but the country as a whole, so many deny this as a possibility.


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Dec 22, 2020 23:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, I love a good conspiracy theory. I wonder how much truth to it there is, and how much the eyewitnesses actually saw.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet