Flame Runner Species in Indarie | World Anvil
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Flame Runner

I'm lying on the floor of my workshop, staring at the wall. The Flame Runners are racing about, chasing after the mice that have wandered in. The little pests are finally getting under control. Mom's present of those nine orphans is defiantly the best present. Three of them run over to me, crawling over my back and chittering happily. This is something I can get used to.   I sit up, watching them run about. They're so fast, it's hard to keep up. I guess I'll get used it in time. Names, I'm going to have to come up with names. I smile. More family members.

Basic Information


This is a relatively small breed of Drake, standing two feet tall on two legs. It also has to arms, sharp claws on the feet and fingers.   It's four feet long from snout to tail tip with feathers running down the back of the head. Two bright eyes, usually orange or yellow, sit on the front of the face and two rows of razor teeth line the mouth.

Growth Rate & Stages

The mother will carry the eggs in her belly for five months before laying anywhere between seven to twelve eggs. Then she and the father will watch over the eggs for five additional months before they hatch. The hatchlings are only five inches long when they emerge. The parents tend to the hatchlings for around three years, as their babies are very tiny and make easy snacks.   During those three years, the babies learn to hunt, hide, jump and run. Around six months they're introduced to the rest of the pack. Hatchlings join hunts around two and are full members of the pack by three. They usually reach their adult size by age ten and can start reproducing around fifteen.

Ecology and Habitats

Volcanic regions. They roam freely around the Burning Plains and surrounding volcanic lands. They are also known to swim in lava flows.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They mostly eat small lizards, birds and mammals. Occasionally insect.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A dominate male and female, always mates and usually the eldest members of the group, lead the packs. Hatchlings are protected, cared for and fed first. The littlest mouths need the most food.


They're not exactly domesticated but the Riders of Gîlmunrîel are known to keep them around as they make excellent mousers. They require an area that's kept extremely hot so that they can reheat as they come from a volcanic region.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent. Great cognitive reasoning skills. Good problem-solving abilities.   It's clear that they understand the spoken language to a level equal to that of an Eledhrim, even having the capacity to read but they lack the ability to speak themselves. Yet it must be remembered that they are different from us. Their intelligence must be respected but concepts of morality that we possess they do not, at least for the most part.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Great hearing, good sight, quick and mostly fireproof. Great at jumping.
These little Drakes are often wonderful to keep around children, assuming the children are told that they will nip. They're playful and will often take children into their packs, protecting them from outside threats. Despite being small, they will attack a large animal if their 'pack mate' is in danger.
Five hundred years
Conservation Status
The species is in good condition.
Average Height
3 Ft
Average Weight
45 Lbs
Average Length
2 Ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually dark orange with brownish-red patterning down the spine. Beautiful orange and red feathers decorate the head.


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