The Fallen Tree Myth in Incandescence | World Anvil
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The Fallen Tree

The myth of the Fallen Tree is among the oldest of creation myths in Albietha. It is so ancient and steeped in reverence that it has avoided a great deal of ire that much of Albiethan mythology has and has become something of a folktale and for Far Lands society.


When the Prime Elementals and Aeoz, Monarch of Undeath created the surface, the newly formed creatures took to the forests for food and shelter. Levottomuus, the Shadow Wolf began to prowl through, abusing their power as a god to devour mortals. Levottomuus cornered the people and prepared to eat them, but a Rodafolkan hero called Berani stood in their way. Seeing Berani's courage, Penjaga the Incandescent, the great forest spirit, appeared in Levottomuus' path and blinded the fiendish god with their incandescent antlers. Penjaga sank into the tallest tree of the Willows and their antlers merged with the tree's branches, causing the tree to shine, and to fall, creating a clearing around it. Once a year, the tree, now called Penjaga's Root, shines in the darkness.

Historical Basis

For years, Penjaga's Root was a site of pilgrimage for the followers of Penjaga. Penjaga's Root is the only bio-luminescent tree in an otherwise dark forest. The myth of the Fallen Tree grew out of the very real existence of a massive, fallen, yet still living glowing tree in the depths of the forests. It is a strange but certainly not impossible phenomenon that has been explained many a time by scientists in years hence.
Telling / Prose


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