The Bifurcation of Alklha Myth in Incandescence | World Anvil
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The Bifurcation of Alklha

The Abandonment Era myth that concerns the turning point in the war against the gods.   When Alklha Captain Derregon Trask of the former Gavland Military ordered The Himmelsbrecher to be fired at Alklha, flying above the surface. It is said that the impact split Alklha in twain, and the resulting explosion of elemental energy sent the twin tails of Alklha hurtling into separate directions.   As a historical event, this was viewed by most as the first moment in which mortal technology surmounted the power of the gods, and signaled the turning point that is now known as the Abandonment Era.

In Art

Varrota Pleschmett painted a piece depicting the event in a realistic style.   Erreck Liu-Ko created a series of murals on the ceilings of churches in the city of Yatap. The murals can still be seen there and some artists see the location a place of pilgrimage.


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