Paeter Nostros Character in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Paeter Nostros

Captain Paeter Nostros is the officer in charge of Station 2W in the Willows settlement of Alabat. He is a Corva Avianfolk with long, white feathers that have red streaks on their tips. His skin tone matches the pale, off-white of his feather and his eyes are a dark, muddy red.   Nostros' relationship with the town of Alabat is best described as "respected from a distance." Nostros is cold and pragmatic, and often appears rude to the townspeople, but his policies and activities in conjunction with the town's mayor, Claudette Wilson, are effective and created with compromise between the needs of Erziehen and Alabat in mind.
Current Location
Year of Birth
331 PM -259 Years old
Burnt red
Long, white feathers with red streaks
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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