Mount Ignis Geographic Location in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Mount Ignis

Mount Ignis is an active volcano in the Far Lands, above the area that is now Tuluyan, that was said to contain the throne of Ignis, one of the The Twin Dragons. Mount Ignis, formerly known as Mount Steel, was a massive mountain that contained a series of mines, run by Sotenia, Tuluyan, and several of the cities that now lie in ruins because of the Malignancy. In the earlier years of the Abandonment Era, Mount Ignis was inactive and a regular area to gather Bottled Fire. There was a regularly utilized Fire Mine, Torchbug Mine, built from natural caverns inside the inactive volcano. Then, it is believed that twin dragons known as Flamma and the eponymous Ignis, joined forces with the Betrayer Gods and breathe flame into the heart of the mountain, causing it to explode molten flame through the mines and the towns below.   In the years after the Malignancy, some small settlements have begun to rebuild in the ashes of the previous ones hundreds of years before at the foot of the mountain range. As the area is still incredibly volatile, while these towns are often quickly and efficiently prosperous, they are also tragically short-lived.

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