Dusk Barge Settlement in Incandescence | World Anvil
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Dusk Barge

A sprawling train constructed of steel and lead that acts as a mobile prison, darting across the wastes of Albietha.  

The Prison Train

The Dusk Barge is Logenia Risk Management's answer to crime and punishment in the wastes. While the major cities have dedicated themselves to systems of personal retribution and regulation, Logenia clings onto a structured system of imprisonment.   Logenia Risk Management's system of prosecution is speculative, at best, conspiratorial, at worst. Many of the prisoners on the train are dissenters to corporate control who were accused of terrorist activity by people accepting bribes from the corporation. Many of the others are actual rebels against the corporations who were captured in the many conflicts between Logenia and its detractors. These prisoners, who are often not truly dangerous, are used by Logenia for manual labor in the wastes, collecting element and performing construction on Logenian outposts.   Along with the horrific abuses of power by Logenia, there is the offhand occasion wherein the cities and corporations will come to an agreement that an individual is far too dangerous to interact with the outside world. Those few are kept in the deepest, most secure recesses of the train and guarded with a fierce diligence. Most of these prisoners are Invokers, or at the very least in communion with the elements, and many are known publicly as figures of folktale and scary stories to tell children at night.  

A Labyrinthine Cage

The Dusk Barge is immense, and divided into sections based on the severity of the accused's crimes. In total, there are seventy-three cars on the train. The first three trains are reserved for the conductor, the overseer, and a guest room for important visiting passengers. The next car is the first of the train's cafeterias, and the four cars following that are the first set of barracks.  

Train Personnel

Lieutenant Sowalter Dunn Colonel Kim Strang Corporal Tex Wicker
Alternative Name(s)
Hell Train, Limbo
Orbital, Station


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