In the shadow of princes Void Gate is Opened

Void Gate is Opened

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Admenoth uses the Moon Blade to discover and open the “Void Gate."

Admenoth is punished for his transgression and his disciples are expelled from the Orad Empire, but these followers, known as the Exiles, eventually return from banishment and secretly take control of the Lunar Research Station/Moon Vault.   The research station had been a temple of Precursor science and learning where the half-remembered sciences of the Precursors were preserved within the tenets of esoteric religious mysticism: a religion of science. Under control of the Exiles, however, it became a Vault of secrets dedicated to the discovery of occult magic and the development of corrupt psionic powers.

Related timelines & articles
History of the Moon Vault (article)