Farport Outpost Settlement in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

Farport Outpost

This settlement was established in 642 PCE by the Vidal family of Noirlan City. It served as an important trade outpost for over three hundred years until the Silent Sea trade route became impassable in 978 PCE.


Most residents of Farport were descended from settlers from the Merikan mainland. Over the generations a number of Pachuco tribe folk have integrated into the community and intermarriage between Merikans and Zoners has given rise to an ethnic hybrid demographic accounting for 15% of the population. MembeRd of this mixed race community are known as "Draysons."


The settlement was run as a colony of Noirlan city state, which appointed governors to administer the port and town for six year terms. During the Silent Sea closing, the colony was forced to arrange for its own governance and sustenance. The governor at the time, Abner Debrun, instituted an elected council and insisted that the council approve his continued tenure as governor through elections or council nomination.


Aside from the citizen militia there are no fortifications established in Farport.

Industry & Trade

Since the closing of the old trade route with Noirlan, Farport has traded exclusively with the tribes of Pachuco and Trinity. The output of the Farport smithy has drawn a lot of wealth to the colony because Zoner warriors are willing to pay inflated prices for quality metal arms, armour, and other iron implements. Aside from this the old colony plantations have been largely repurposed for subsistence farming, which along with fishing is the chief occupation in Farport.


The settlement has a small but reliable harbour and port facilities adequate to support modest maritime trade. The settlement is surrounded by lands cultivated into plantations, though many of these have been left intended for years. The town itself welcomes travellers to a well-appointed hotel, the Traveller's Tune Inn, which was built to accommodate well to do members of the Noirlan business and social elite. As for amenities, there is a stable house, a smithy, a general store, and two churches: one a Christian Redeemer's Hall, the other an Exploding Eye cult temple.


The outpost contains little of value. The stables contain three horses; the smithy 15 iron ingots. The storehouse has been scavenged but there may still be some useful items left lying around.

Guilds and Factions

The Cult of the Exploding Eye maintains a chapterhouse here and has done so in spite of the closing of the sea route to Merika.   The Ichtaca clan of Pachuco maintains the strongest relations with Farport and often mediates trade with the other clans.


Founded in 642 PCE. Contested by Pachuco tribes in 690.


Farport is built upon a lowland gulf in the shore of the Silent Sea. It is surrounded by light coastal jungle and swampy depressions. The lighthouse of the port is built upon a rocky cliff prominence.

Natural Resources

The area has been traditionally used for tobacco, grape, and olive plantations. One of the most commonly noted losses accrued due to the closing of the Silent Sea was the end of the Farport wine trade.
Outpost / Base
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