Undisclosed Desires Plot in In Defense of the Dawn | World Anvil
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Undisclosed Desires

Ryfika's development ( Ryleigh Alastair and Rukiya Moonstream) from coworkers to Sun and Moon romance.

Plot points/Scenes

Session0098- (7:31) Rukiya tells Ryleigh about the Moonborn killings, then (9:58) Ryleigh gives the stones and bracers to her.   Session0110- (106) Ryleigh and Rukiya talk about her trip to Ascus and how she feels so unneeded by the Astens, by Whispers, by Dawnguard, but that she needs all of them... but not as much as she needs Rukiya.   Then she softly says, “I’m flawed, and struggling, and uncertain, but I choose you, and I’ll always choose you, because you give me somewhere to belong.”   Ryleigh then asks Rukiya to move in with her- a place together with a bedroom door so she has privacy. Ryleigh admits to feeling less like she hates herself thanks to Rukiya and her friends.   When Ryleigh starts asking about the sending stones, Rukiya surprises her with bracelets- a gold one for Ry with a silver disc moon and a silver one for Rukiya with a golden sun charm.   Ryleigh Alastair: "Rukiya..." Ryleigh says, her tone disbelieving. Her glossy eyes move from the bracelets to Rukiya's eyes. "I... I'm afraid these might mean more to me than you might mean them to..."   Rukiya chuckles. "Do you think I can't read between the lines, Ry? Tell what you're saying when you pull up short?" She looks down for a moment and takes Ry's hands in hers, setting the bracelets aside for the moment. "I've told you I need you. I told you I'm with you. I don't know how else to tell you how important you are to me." She looks back up and makes sure to meet Ry's eyes. "You're my home too."

Notable Locations

Plot type
Relationship Development

Notable Individuals

Ryleigh Alastair, Rukiya Moonstream  


  Session0098, Session0110


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