Illiceran Aicalënixe Character in Illithea | World Anvil
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Illiceran Aicalënixe

Illiceran is an Elven knight hailing from Morningstar.  

Youth & The Cataclysm

Born in the days before the great cataclysm into a middle class noble family in a major moon elf city, Illiceran Aicalënixe came into this world with with little to wish for. His father was the eldest of 3 sons, and first in line to take over as the head of the family. And as such, he himself was taught in the ways of elven nobility, be it history, magic, statecraft or elvish fighting styles. The city was prosperous, and these were calm days in which the elven society thrived and had great ties with the surrounding kingdoms.   Most if his own youth was spend either playing with his 2 younger siblings and his nieces and nephews, or being trained as his own father had been to take the head of the family in due time as the eldest son.   And while there seemed like nothing was in the way of this time of prosperity and peace, one day a great cataclysm happend. On the orders of the high king the city was to be evacuated, the protective wards of their mages not being able to withstand this primordial onslaught. The Elves tried to bring as much of their heritage and cultural wealth to safety, but the circumstances did not allow for much. His father directed the evacuation of their own family, and had the royal guards and common troops help guide the populace out of the city as it was burning and crumbling, all the while staying behind to direct it in the best effort.   Illiceran and his sibling, together with most of their direct family managed to get out of the town, leaving their legacy and all they had build up behind. By the time the city had been completely evacuated, only half of the population had made it out. His father, amongst the high king and other leading nobles had stood their ground to the last to direct the efforts of saving as many people as possible but had payed the ultimate price for that. Their once proud and prosperous city, an example to all of the splendor of elvenkind reduced to ruins in the matter of a few hours.   Without their high king, and with a lot of leaders of the family lost their seemed to be some debate as to what to do, and in the end his Uncle, who by right had control over the family until Illiceran came of age took over and convinced some other elven houses to go to the lands of the humans. The ties between them had always been good, and it were the closest lands to seek refuge without going trough territory that was deemed dangerous and infested with barbaric tribes. So it was here that the once great alliance of the noble elven houses split, and their own family took their course to the lands of the humans.   During this trip, which was a good weeks worth of travel even without any injured or people carrying what little they were able to bring with them and with the old and very young slowing the pace, that they were plagued by constant harassment of minor raids by more barbaric creatures and tribes, and still being plagued by after effects of what ever disaster that had happened to the city. Some elves fell sick, others were lost during orcish raids, this including his own two younger siblings and some of his nieces and nephews.   After long and dreadful weeks of travel, they arrived at the lands that were supposed to hold a major human metropolis. But to their horror they saw that most of it had been destroyed too, it was here though that many of the races seemed to gather, and the respective leaders managed to work out an allegiance to rebuild and combine their strength against the tribes that were on the loose do to the destruction.  

The founding of Morningstar

Over many years, the city became a melting pot of all sorts of races, and they all tried to rebuild the way they had once lived, while working together. His uncle lead the family in restoring what they had lost. The family had suffered greatly, but over the next 2 centuries he had managed to get the family in a position of relative power again, and restore some of the elven splendour and traditions of old. In a talk with his uncle, Illiceran gave up his right to become head of the family, and asked for permission to continue training under the families captain of the royal guard, a request that was accepted. His uncle had managed to bring a few things from the great elven city, and handed Illeceran the sword of his father and his armour, a masterfull looking set covered in elvish runes. It was given as a reminder to his fathers greatness, not just as a ruler but as a man who had fought hard for his family and his people, and it was exactly that which would be needed in the future to come.   Many years he trained under the royal guard captain, and mastered many styles of fighting, learned to deal with other knights and the policies of royalty of other races. Despite his still rather young age he managed to rise rather quickly in the ranks of the households own military. He grew close to his uncle, being entrusted with alot of tasks to help further the improvement of the city, or to restore the elven traditions to splendour of old. He had no hatred for the other races that lived here, but so much of their ways and crafts had been lost that he wanted to see those restored at all cost, and he made that his mission. His uncle often talked about ''the tears of the moon'', it had been one of the greatest treasures their family had in the old times, but they were lost the day the city was destroyed. They were said to be a gift from the gods, gems of the purest and greatest craftsmenship and rumored to have magical power. In the days of old they had been entrusted to the head of the family, he hoped to someday be able to find them and bring them back to their rightfull place, magical or not it was a treasure of great importance to his people. Something he would be able to uncover much better in the field then from behind a desk.     Luckily for him, after years of hard training, work, rebuilding, and molding new relations in the city of Morningstar, it was announced that the time had come to re-explore the world of old by the Queen of the city, roughly 240 years it had been since the cataclysm and finally the time had come to take back the world they had lost. He instantly let his uncle know of this development and volunteered to be send out to the explorers guild, to be able to uncover as much as he could from the olden days, be it elven or other lost knowledge. And ofcourse to see if he could still find the tears of the moon, a request his uncle quickly granted and pushed with his influence. Soon he would be out in the world that was lost to them so long ago.
Year of Birth
20 BtC 272 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Feast and Fortunes

After returning from a mission that lead us to a long lost magicaly hidden temple from before the cataclysm, the group reported back to the Explorers guild with their findings. One which was interesting above others, a radiant gem, which had been found in a room of worship, thinking it to be more then it seemed at first sight the gem was handed to Viviëne for further observation, figuring she would know more with her extraordinary knowledge on magic. She was quick to find out that the stone was linked to a myth that was linked to another civilization(the drowned folk), which had succumbed to a supposed catastrophe a long time age.   After finding next to nothing in the guild as to a location or even a hint of the civilization, I invited the rest of the party over to my household under the premise of a simple party and introduction, as I also had to return my fathers heirloom armor I had been using. Alot of books, both magical and myth, had made it out of our former metropol and could shine some light where the Explorers guild literature lacked. Besides, it would make for a fine chance to introduce my new companions to my family and uncle, and check upon the state of things in my household. While the party bartered for knowledge with my uncle, I learned that my niece was to marry a member or a family which one of my companions is addopted into. I managed to strike a deal with Viviëne , in exchange for books I found that seem to lead her in the right direction of these lost civilizations which might unlock the true potential of the stone from the vault of stars and possible new locations that might help unfold it's mysteries. For now the pleasentries of the city are over, and we will most likely be moving out to help establish a new outpost, since reading trough all the literature for feasable clues would take some time   With a new prospect of finding a location of the ''The Drowned Ones'' lost civilisation soon, and with political and family matters taken care off or being attended to, a new adventure awaits till we have a more certain location to look more into this lost civilization.

Illiceran Aicalënixe

Eldritch Knight 3 Class & Level
Noble - (Elven Knight) Background
Moon Elf Race
Any Alignment

Total Hit Dice
Hit Die 0
0 proficiency bonus
0 Passive perception
0 Strength
0 Dexterity
0 Constitution
0 Intelligence
0 Wisdom
0 Charisma
saving throws
0 Acrobatics
0 Animal Handling
0 Arcana
0 Athletics
0 Deception
0 History
0 Insight
0 Intimidation
0 Investigation
0 Medicine
0 Nature
0 Perception
0 Performance
0 Persuasion
0 Religion
0 Sleight of Hands
0 Stealth
0 Survival


Hit Points





Personality Traits




Features & Traits
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