Illios The Succession War of StormHaven

The Succession War of StormHaven

Military action


The Emperor of StormHaven, Zanros Gale died, and his two sons went to war over the succession. The Kingdom of Lorem was born.

The Succession War saw the two sons of Emperor Zanros, Crown Prince Osword, and Prince Ulsater fight for the throne.   The northern half backed the rightful heir, Crown Prince Osword. While the southern half of the empire, backed Prince Ulsater. the war was long and bloody, and would end largely in stalemate. The Empire which had been the largest power in Illios since the dawn of the Age of Arcanum was no more, in its place stood the Kingdom of StormHaven, the Kingdom of Lorem, and the land neither could truly gain from the other, the Wilds.

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