The Silent Shield of Tarkir in Illica | World Anvil
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The Silent Shield of Tarkir

Based in Verdalka, the Silent Shield is a discreet organization of warriors, scholars, and mages that works silently to protect the people of Tarkir from occult and extraplanar threats. While the bigger and more revered Golden Shields take credit all across Illica for aiding in conflicts, the Silent Shield prefers complete discretion, quietly and carefully eliminating the dangers that lurk beneath the surface.   There are only about 15 members at any given time, each with entirely different careers and sometimes families as a way to cover up their association with the group. Only a few dozen non-members even know about the Silent Shield's existence, as they try to close every case without it ever seeming they were there.   Queen Omen and her associates keep a quiet, watchful eye over Tarkir, and they find it best if the commoners never realize just how many monsters, cults, and portals to dangerous realms exist just outside their view. It is the Silent Shield's job not only to take care of these dangers, but to keep their secrets until death. They will never be mythologized or seen as heroic, because the people will never realize just how often they've been saved. Still, to be so close to the Queen, and to serve her people with such bravery, is enough of an honor for most Tarkirians.  

How Shields Are Recruited

Because of the secretive ways of the organization, no one “applies” to be a Shield. One has to be sought out, and they have to display power, competency, and courage on Tarkirian soil to be considered. Usually, one has to have a brush with the supernatural or extraplanar to be in the running. There are only about 20 Shields in operation at any time, so the process is very selective.   Potential recruits are visited by the Taskmaster, a member of the organization that has power to assign jobs and search for potential recruits, who will present them with a simple offer. They will explain the Silent Shield, the potential help they can provide, and the burdens of the position. Once all questions are answered, the Taskmaster gives them 48 hours to consider, at the end of which they must either join, or have their memory magically wiped of their discussion. The Shields keep eyes on these potential recruits during the 48 hours, and any gossiping about the organization to others can result in severe punishment.   After this, new recruits go through at least two years of training. This involves academic research, guided planar travel, brutal physical conditioning, and finally, shadowing a few Shields on some low-risk jobs. If the recruit makes it through all this and still wants to join, they swear an oath of secrecy and loyalty to Tarkir, and then are officially recognized as a Shield.   There are no ranking systems in the Silent Shield. Every Shield is recognized for their own unique talents, and it’s the Taskmaster’s job to assemble teams that fit the mission objective. Shields are essentially “on-call” at all times, and can sometimes go months without any action. In this time, they are expected to keep up with training and follow the organization’s tenets in their lives (see below).   If a Shield ever wishes to retire, they simply need to speak to the Taskmaster and say so. They may be asked for one last “exit job,” but most are let go with no strings attached. However, those the leave the Silent Shield must still keep all of their exploits secret, and they will always be closely monitored by the others to make sure of such.   On rare occasions, alliances are formed with people not currently eligible to become a Shield. This could be with people who possess great knowledge or political connections, but whose ability to travel the planes and survive combat is limited (scholars, diplomats, priests, etc.). Alternatively, it could be formed with capable warriors who have other equally important obligations (horizon walkers, paladins, those from other nations, etc.). When these alliances are formed, information is kept limited and contact is rare. But it allows the Silent Shield to benefit from outside information and avoid becoming too insular, and it offers their allies a level of security knowing that they will always be defended by some of Tarkir’s finest warriors.  

Carrying Out Missions

The Taskmaster selects unique teams for every mission based on skill set, risk level, and availability. Before a mission is debriefed, the Shields that have been selected are all discreetly informed of a time and place to get the essential information. This usually involves meeting the Taskmaster, where they go over the concern at hand, any potential complications, and why each of them was selected for the team. After the team has had a chance to ask questions, the Taskmaster will let them know if there’s anyone else who is allowed to know about this mission and send them on their way.   Missions are split into five tiers based on level of concern:   TIER1: the concern at hand could easily be nothing, but it should be looked into. Once all possible concerns are alleviated, the mission is over. Around 50% of missions fall into this category.   TIER 2: the concern at hand is real, but the chance of danger is very low. Once the cause has been identified, and the concern is solved as smoothly as possible, the mission is over. Around 40% of missions fall into this category.   TIER 3: the concern at hand is real, danger is likely, and it will definitely cause harm to Tarkir if handled poorly. Shields must use their best judgment to end these conflicts efficiently, and be ready to make the hard choices necessary to bring balance. Around 9% of missions fall into this category.   TIER 4: the concern at hand is already causing harm, and failure to act can result in catastrophe. Immediate and unprejudiced action is required, and the cost will be great. Shields must be willing to do anything to solve a job like this. Only 1% of missions fall into this category.   TIER 5: the concern threatens the entire nation of Tarkir. Secrecy may no longer be a concern. All possible forces must be used to stop this threat at once. No missions have been in this tier since the organization’s founding.   Once a mission is complete, the whole team is required to report back to the Taskmaster and give a report on their findings and actions. Admitting to mistakes during this process can have consequences, but lying under oath is much, much worse. If the details of the mission raise great concern, Queen Omen may ask to hear the report herself.

The Five Tenants of a Shield

After years of training, a new Shield takes an oath to the organization, to Tarkir, to Queen Omen, and to her people. They uphold the following five tenants:   Honor: I will hold myself to the highest of standards, and I will remain morally strong in the face of crushing adversity.   Loyalty: I will base my decisions on what is best for Tarkir and her people, even if it means making sacrifices.   Secrecy: I will never burden others with the horrors I may witness, and I will protect this sacred line of work until my dying breath.   Humility: I will accept my small role in this massive world of ours, and I will never act rashly in the name of glory or infamy.   Hope: I will never give in to despair, and I will always believe in a better future for Tarkir, no matter what may lie around the corner.   Sheilds found breaking these tenants can either be reviewed by the Queen for forgiveness, or immediately punished depending on the severity of their digressions.


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