Illica Homepage | World Anvil
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Welcome to the world of Illica, a world that is full of danger, intrigue, and adventure. With land and sea that stretches for tens of thousands of miles, Illica to home to hundreds of villages, cities, cultures, peoples, religions, and ways of life. From the tribes of Efera to the oligarchs of Belaklara, the deserts of Kalderaz to the snowy woods of Tarkir, the barren lands of the Wild Wastes to the riches of the Gemstone Archipelago, Illica is a land that holds many stories, and many more waiting to be told.   --   To explore the many locations of Illica, use the World Map to the lower right. To learn more about lore and characters, use the folders on the lower left. Check out the three Campaigns to learn what's happening in Illica today, and read this week's Featured Article to learn information that might be crucial to this week's session.   Illica was created for Dungeons & Dragons, and is therefore an ever-evolving work in progress. Expect new articles regularly as the heroes of the three campaigns meet new people, travel to new places, and learn more about the world!


The Isle of Iverion

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Salamander Coast

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

An Open World Experience Created With my Players

The Explorers of Efera

Dungeons & Dragons 5e
