The Four Tribes of Efera in Illica | World Anvil
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The Four Tribes of Efera

The Four Tribes of Efera and the four primordial elements are closely related. While most Eferans believe in and pay reverence to all four of the elemental gods, each tribe worships one of the gods directly. They pray to, seek guidance from, and perform rituals for their god, and the most holy try to embody their god's ways in all that they do.   In each tribe, there are also two clans. It is one clan's sacred duty to lead, and the other's, to serve. This balance has been maintained better in some tribes than others. Each clan has a name, but they are also often referred to by the name of their region in Efera.   First, there are the worshippers of Ishtishia, the Crashing Wave. They are led by Clan Siverfoot of Konjiado, a renowned clan of holy warriors. They are currently lead by Alec Silverfoot, a member of the Wardens of Efera (see the Explorers of Efera campaign). The servant clan is Clan Goldrivers of the Koajiado.. They are a clan of healers and shamans current led by Narahara Goldrivers. This was the clan that first welcomed the Tarkirian colonists to their land, and they have paid the bloody price for it ever since.   Then, there are the worshippers of Elowen, Mother of Mountains. They are led by Clan Greenrock of Shoasomin, expert hunters, gatherers, and farmers. Some of them are still attached to Grumbar, the previous Mother of Mountains, and a much less tender-hearted god. The servants are Clan Boldbeetle of Siasomin. They are responsible for the prosperous mines of Efera, and they are much accepting of Elowen than their leader clan.   Next, there are the worshippers of Akadia, Queen of Air. They are led by the Clan Farstar of Alaka, masters of tracking the cosmos. Their findings have even outclassed the most studious of astrologers in the College of Hearthcrest. The servants are Clan Brightwind of Asika, a people who have mastered the winds and can easily glide on air. Their armies are some of the most fearsome in Illica, for not many foes are prepared for a flying platoon.   Finally, there are the worshippers of Kossuth, Lord of Flame. Tradition states that they are to be led by Clan Rubyhollow of Kasa, and served by Clan Blackwind of Kree. However, recent history has not looked kindly on this tribe. Their use of blood magic was challenged by many, and in-fighting between the Kasa and Kree led to their downfall. Today, the Kasa are nowhere to be seen, and many think they may have gone extinct. The rumors of what happened to the Kree are even worse. Tainted by their indulgence in blood magic and consumed with bloodlust and wrath, they were twisted into what the world now knows as gnolls. Now, the The Kree Wastes are one of the only things left of this tribe.


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