The Children of the Flame Organization in Illica | World Anvil
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The Children of the Flame

The Children of the Flame are a zealous religious group based in Brahmsgrov, the massive capital city of the Salamander Coast. They are one of the longest-surviving faith groups in all of Illica, having defended the flame of Nabir Tarmon for at least 2000 years. They consider themselves not only defenders of the light of Brahmsgrov, but the light of all, and see any that don't follow their ways as potential worshippers of the Dark One. Their faith has begun to spread, sometimes forcefully, to other continents in case the forces of light and flame are needed to fight an oncoming tide of darkness.   The Children of the Flame serve their leader, Bearer Dorian Al'Mare.

Bathe in the Light of the Lord

Founding Date
5 AC
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Thamel Tarmon


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