Eurydice Character in Illica | World Anvil
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Eurydice (a.k.a. Eury)

Eurydice is kind and friendly, her speech is polite and inviting and people often find her likable. She is seen wanting to help people and also taking new opportunities as they come, although another mysterious being has shown itself to be affecting her rather significantly.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is slim, there is definitely not a lot of muscle on her body, but also seems like she could be fairly dexterous if she needed to be

Body Features

Eurydice has intricate, maroon coloured tattoos that run across her face, shoulders, arms and hands. These tattoos can be seen to light up red when she uses her magic

Facial Features

She has traditional elvish features that make her heritage obvious aside from just the pointed ears, the tattoos sprawling across her forehead, nose and cheeks are also fairly eye catching

Identifying Characteristics

Her tattoos Kind smile

Physical quirks

Often clasps her hands together

Special abilities

Powerful magic and knowledge about herbs

Apparel & Accessories

She will often wear maroon and deep red clothing, accompanied by very light, grey armour, however, she doesn't wear shoes. She isn't one to accessorize much though

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Unknown by most. In her dream, it was mentioned that the being gave her 'an out' and that she made a deal that there was no backing out of now.

Gender Identity





Until recently, she was working in Conisuer Balasar's shop selling incense and candles. After the fight master came and spoke to her, she left the shop and took up a job under Captain Hugo. She is now working on behalf of the temple with the party

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

She has shown that she knows a little about herbs and certain plants

Personality Characteristics


She wants to help people and make sure that there is far spread happiness.

Likes & Dislikes

She enjoys having fun and joking with people, hence her willingness to play around with Nalfien and his attempts at flirting. She dislikes rude people and those who make others miserable.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is kind and welcoming to others. She is also charismatic and typically quite likable among people. Eurydice is smart and is able to retain a lot of information about herbs, as well as being able to read situations and people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her magic is powerful, but it is sometimes obvious that she hasn't quite got that hang of it and can be uncomfortable with the magic when producing spells. She often keeps things to herself and will rarely open up to people on an emotional level. She can he secretive, not a lot of people know about her past or even much of her present, and definitely not about the deal...

Personality Quirks

She will often clasp her hands together and balance on the ball or heel of her foot.


She keeps herself commonly quite tidy and clean, except when she has been digging through herbs.


Contacts & Relations


Family Ties


Religious Views

She hasn't said much about these views, but hasn't shown any open worship to a deity and was uncomfortable in the temple.

Social Aptitude

She is socially capable and able to get along with others and be widely liked


If she is uncomfortable or nervous, she will rub her hands together. Generally, even with hands clasped she will stay very open and inviting with her body language

Hobbies & Pets

Reading and herbs


Generally soft and warm

Wealth & Financial state

She seemed surprised at the 50 gold and expressed to Captain Hugo that the majority of her payment with Balasar was staying at the shop

Eurydice is a kind and warm girl who has only been in town for a few months, she always does her best to be as kind as possible and make people feel welcome.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Wheathill, Iverion
Current Residence
Light reddy brown into blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned
Known Languages
Common Elvish

3. Chaos underground

Alright, so, very creepy underground city? I always think maybe I should say something to Groc about not kicking rocks around when we are trying to be quiet, but I really don't have the heart. At least we found the captain alive, that's good, although he may be a liability? Note: Zombies are very disgusting   We made a lot of noise breaking through that wall, I have to give Groc credit though, he is far stronger than I thought, and now my hands feel all weird from casting over and over again at that wall.   Another note: I can make a lot of fire appear! That was weird and uncomfortable and, weird I was wrong, Captain Derren is not a liability and I would like to apologise for suggesting so previously. I swear, if I get anymore zombie brains in my mouth I am going to scream this entire place down!   Could Nalfien not be weird about me touching him for 2 seconds? He can't have done his bandages so badly and not expected me to redo them. I did appreciate what he said afterwards though, he can be sweet sometimes. I didn't blush   More zombies? Really? Oooh and apparently the woman can bring dead undead back too, wonderful.      

2. An eventful day

Journal Entry 2.   It can be bad, apparently, because skeletons exist! There are also 2 others, maybe they came for the flower as well? I feel like I should try to reach it before they do just in case.   Izzy was right! Do not touch random flowers! Also why in the world did I absorbs that skeletons, power!? I know Nalfien saw it too, I'm not totally sure what to think of it though. The 2 people seem nice, one is a large hobgoblin, he speaks harshly but I don't think he means it that way, and the girl was scared but she lowered the crossbow eventually.   I think we are working for the temple now, I don't like temples much, they make me uncomfortable, I don't think Nalfien likes them either. He keeps flirting with me too, so I think I'll play his game a little for the fun of it, but just for fun, not because I think he is attractive.   I shouldn't have gotten angry with him, I'll apologise next time, and he isn't wrong about the deal...   Mines are creepy and scary

1. First Impressions

Journal Entry 1.   So, this is an interesting new opportunity, I do feel a little bad for leaving C. Balasar on such short notice, but I couldn't just let this pass me by. It's exciting after all! I am also going to make sure I stick with my promise and watch out for Nalfien, hopefully he isn't as reckless as the fight master says.   Well, who knows if he is reckless, he is definitely arrogant though, and selfish and slimy. The other girl, Izzy, she seems nice enough although pretty quiet. So we need to find this flower, and then destroy it? Doesn't seem too hard.


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