The Howling Slayers Organization in Ilarium | World Anvil
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The Howling Slayers

The Howling Slayers terrorise the Arux Valley. They are led by a powerful Flind named Andak. They led the assault on Senlin's home and killed his wife and child. The Howling Slayers have wiped out many hamlets and villages in the valley and killed many more. Alteryon has flown out to kill many gnolls several times, but Andak has always slipped away under Yeenoghu's shadows.   Andak is powerful enough to have influence over other gnoll packs in the Pandesh, Mouth of the World" href="/w/ilarium-Hardiman12/a/threadspine-mountains-article">Threadspine Mountains who have been raiding into northern Tychacia, south Kingdom of Darhaven" href="/w/ilarium-Hardiman12/a/darhaven-article-1">Darhaven, and parts of Lefryn including the Honeyvale.  

War band composition

  Gnoll Fangs of Yeenoghu: 6
Gnoll Hunters: 10
Gnoll Flesh Gnawers: 14
Warriors (common gnolls): 44
Hyenas: 22
Shoosuva (loyal to Andak): 1  

Notable Behaviour and Tactics

  The Howling Slayers make use of drums and screeching horns to spread fear to their enemies. The Carnyx is a favoured instrument to terrorise.  

Demonic Influence

  The presence of the Howling Slayers causes quarrels to turn violent. Their approach is heralded by minor earthquakes striking the area.


Ruled by a powerful Flind named Andak.

Public Agenda

Wish to see destruction of the entire valley of Pandesh and the Lefrynian peninsula and the death of all its inhabitants.
The Howling Slayers cover
Shared Physical Trait: Rune branded on forehead
Military, Army

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