Savannah of Dreams Geographic Location in Iheya | World Anvil

Savannah of Dreams

How does a city this large exist in this cavern you ask? Follow spoke 9, it goes from the port side through the city, to the back of the cavern. This spoke leads to the surface and the lands beyond.     But given what's happened, you have to survive first...   If you figure it out, and make it down Spoke 9 from the Port, and then make the switchback climb through the windy tunnel and the completely open areas to the side, where there is no handrail, no barrier to protect you the higher you go from falling to the depths below, you come out to a vast savannah.  
The switchback climb through the windy tunnel was terrifying. The walls were sheer, and there was no handrail or barrier to protect me from falling to my death. The higher I went, the more exposed I felt, and the more I could hear the wind howling around me.
— Unknown Tourist Survey Comment
  The entrance is not marked anywhere in the savannah. There is no torii gate, no stone pillar, not even just a boulder. The entrance to the city is just a hole of about 5m where stairs are cut in the rock beneath. You begin your descent and then the wind becomes so strong, most people end up going down the stairs backwards on their hands and feet for the first several meters to keep from being blown off the steps that are carved into the side of the caverns inner cliff. About 50m down from the stairwell a pile of bones from almost any animal that roams the savannah can be identified, and then some never seen before.   But back on the surface after you emerge from the carved stairway, walk 10m away from the entrance in any direction and you'd never know that a hole to a vast city is nearby.   You also find yourself looking out over the savannah, you see a land of rolling hills and grass.   You emerge facing exactly due west. About 15km away there appears to be a forest. From here the trees are tall an d skinny evergreens. If the savannah was the ocean, the trees look as high as the cliffs.   The grass on the savannah has two distinct seasons with their own name. The first season is when there is almost no clouds in the sky, this season is called 'The Brown'. The other season, it rains and mists almost everyday. This season? Yeah, you're a smart one, its called 'The Green'.   Now, being a worldly person, or humanoid (I'm not here to judge, bi-pedal or not, doesn't matter) you would think that there would be trails, or a roadway nearby leading to here, or going to 'there' wherever that is. Just even a walking path? Nope, just like the fact that there isn't a marker for the entrance, there are no trails. the grass isn't even worn down, its just a savannah full of thigh high grass.  
Except during the storms, that bring the lightning... The fires, are A-maze-ing! Don't be caught taking a poop in the high grass and the fire comes through.
— Master Explorer Envoy Pechin Kaze
  To the north, savannah, to the south, more savannah. To the east, little bit of savannah then a sharp drop off to the ocean. Wouldn't recommend going to far east, especially if it looks like there might be weather, unless you can fly or cliff dive from really, really high.   If you do head north, the savannah eventually gives way to the Bramble Forest. This is an evergreen forest of short stubby trees and bristly unforgiving angry shrubs with thorns as long as a rogues dagger. Getting through that is a chore if you can find a break, but then you risk getting lost in the Bramble Maze.   Around the edges of the Bramble Forest, you will sometimes notice a lack of leaves and other green foliage. There are creatures that appear to keep the brambles from growing further into the savanna by feasting on the green shoots and leaves along the perimeter. The creatures' size is unknown, but they have a long reach and can get at foliage that is almost 5 meters in from the edge.   As you travel south, the heat builds. Far enough, you'll find the savanna and desert locked in a daily battle for land and resources. Neither side shows any progress.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Brown Season, The Green Season

Localized Phenomena

Lightning fires



Fauna & Flora

Mostly grass. Rare low shrubs. Grazing creatures.
Savannah of Dreams by Original Mr Ty and midjourney


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