Khajiit Species in Iaythe | World Anvil
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The Khajiit were some of the first peoples to begin trade with Ganima, and therefore have an established diaspora population on the continent. They have the same stats as the default playable race of elves, along with claws as a weapon that do 1d4 damage. Many are considered highly intelligent diplomats with a lot of political power. Heavily inspired by Khajiit from The Elder Scrolls, clearly.

Basic Information


Cat people. Tail ending at ankles. Large ears on top of the head. Fur all over, long whiskers visible on cheeks, brow, and sometimes chin. Partially retractable claws look like a mix of fingernails and claws. Cat-like faces.

Growth Rate & Stages

Puberty: 8-12 to 18-20
Considered adult at 20
Brain development finishes at 50
Prime: 20-75
Middle aged: 80-150
Older: 150-250
Elderly: 250-350

Ecology and Habitats

The khajiit homeland is a land full of deserts and jungles.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The east continent & majorly the eastern side of Ganima.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced smell, hearing, balance and dark vision.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Jotarr, Ma’khar, Kazenji, Tsiynara, Elaberos, Dornorin, Sylran, Simmed, S’Rava, M’desi, Dro'marash, Fa’alar, Kulja, Sabra, Naheh, Inorra, Ubaasi, Tsavi, Fabasi, Shiba-dra, Kishra-do, Ahnissi, Dar’mina, Do’ashta, Dro’virr, Ji’kaba, Ma’asta, S’shada, Qa’mina

Common Dress Code

Brigandines and chainmail are commonplace armor, which full-face helmets. This is sometimes mixed with plate on the arms and legs.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The eastern continent from which Khajiit come from is a rich land with varied environments - from jungles, to deserts, to misty pine mountains, and their cultures are varied to match. Great khajiiti wizards are capable of growing great towers from mushrooms. Textiles are intricate, beautiful, and a valued export. Desert dwelling khajiit create great metropolises of sandstone. In some areas, a basement or even several underground floors are common. Khajiit who live in deserts have created a sort of symbiotic relationship with the giant native trees, caring for them and weaving the great branches and vines to create their abodes. Some khajiiti peoples are nomadic.
Genetic Descendants
300 years
Average Height
Related Organizations


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