The Gods of Yore Myth in Hypnosium | World Anvil

The Gods of Yore


(not by Hesiod)

Chaos: Firmament


Aion: Eternity- has come to mean the stars


Gaia: Mother Earth


Ouranos: Father Sky


Erebos: Uncle Darkness


Aether: Aunt Light


Chronos: Brother Time


Thoth: Sister Magic


Thalassa: Sister Deep Sea


Pontus: Brother Shallow Sea

Ourea: Sister Mountain


Nesoi: Cousin Islands- has come to mean mysterious island


Selene: Moon


Chthon: Underworld


Lethe: infernal river in Chthon


Tartarus: Chthonic Abyss


Styx: the river into Chthon




Zeus: god of the Sky

Zeus became King of the Gods and ruled from Olympus, which was taken from the Titans. Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Jupiter

Hera: goddess of Marriage and Women

Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Juno

Poseidon: god of Sea, Storms, Earthquake, Horses

Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Neptune

Demeter: goddess of Harvest, Agricuture, Fertility and Sacred Law

Confined to Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Ceres

Athena: goddess of Civilization

Her mantle is very broad including such things as wisdom, handicrft, heroism, courage, war, strategy, industry and cities. Once she realized defeat was inevitable, she backed away and changed herself to become the Roman goddess, Minerva.

Apollo: god of Healing and Oracles

Hidden within Chthon

Artemis: goddess of the Hunt, Nature, and Chastity

At the defeat by the Roman usurpers, she slipped away and returned as the Roman goddess Diana. Less known is her joining Hecate as one of the Sisters of the Moon

Ares: god of War, Bloodlust, Courage

Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Mars

Hephaestus: god of Smiths, Masons, Sculptors, and Fire

Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Vulcan

Aphrodite: goddess of Love, Beauty, and Passion

Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Venus

Hermes: god of Heralds, Travellers, Thieves, Speed

At the defeat by the Romans, Hermes escaped and made himself winged sandals to go with his winged helmet and joined the usurpers as Mercury. Lives on Olympus

Hestia: goddess of the Hearth, Home Family, and the State

When she was defeated, she was turned into a donkey they named Vesta but still had her powers and made one of them. She lives in Olympus.

Dionysus: god of Wines, Festivities, Madness, and Theatre

He, too, escaped when the usurpers won and slipped in amonst them as the more rebellious Bacchus. Lives on Olympus

Hades: god of the Dead and Riches

Returned to Chthun after the Roman usurpers took over



Erikepaios: god of Procreation and Uncreation

God of extreme duality with two forms. Confined in Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Phanes    

Hemera: goddess of Day

Confined to Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Dies      

Achlys: goddess of Sorrow

She shed's the mist upon the eyes of the dying. Hidden within Chthon.  

Hypnos: god of Sleep

He was torn in two (Dreams and Nightmares) by the Roman usurper, Somnus

Nyx: goddess of Night

Goddess so powerful no other divine dares challenge her. A cult to her still exists in secret within Megara in West Attica, Greece  

Eros: god of Love

Confined to Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Cupid  

Ananke: goddess of Inevitability

She joined the Roman usurpers as Necessitas, the Roman goddess of compulsion and necessity. She resides in Olympus  

Moros: god of Doom

Drives mortals to their deadly fates and will grant others the ability to foresee their death. Hidden within Chthon

Thanatos: god of Death

No Roman dared to usurp his mantle. With the rise of Christianity, he became one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse

Nemesis: goddess of Retribution

No Roman challenged her, instead, the usurpers invited her into their pantheon. She resides in Olympus

Eris: goddess of Strife and Discord

Eris became enamoured with Ares and changed her name to Enyo, becoming the Sister of War to the War God. She was confined to Krakatoa by the Roman usurper, Bellona

Charon: god of Styx

For one obolus, Charon will ferry someone from the land of the living to Chthon. These are usually the dead. Those who cannot pay, must haunt the mortal banks of Styx for one hundred years before Charon will take them. Lives in Chthon

Hecate: goddess of the Craft

She is the goddess of witchcraft and ley lines. Too supreme in her magic, no Roman tried to challenge her. She lives within the natural wonders of the world.

Moirai: goddess sisters of Fate




To amuse themselves, they also presented themsleves ase the three Muses. Clotho was Melete and inspired thought and meditation. Lachesis was Aoede and inspired voice and song. Atropos was Mneme and inspired memory.After the victory of the Romans, they became recluses only occasionally appearing where they were known as the nameless Parcae. Before the Roman gods fell to Christianity, they moved on to the Norse and became the Norns, with the names Uror, Veroandi, and Skuld. They even managed to spread into the Celts as the Matronae. In Lithuania and the Baltics, they became known as the Laimia. Even in the near east, the Hurrians saw them as the Hutena. In 1320, Dante wrote of them in his Divine Comedy. Shakespeare, in 1606, wrote them into Macbeth.  

Roman Usurpers


Phanes: god of Procreation

Defeated Erikepaios and confined them in Krakatoa. Resisdes on Olympus

Dies: goddess of Day

Defeated Hemera and confined her in Krakatoa. Resides on Mount Olympus.

Cupid: god of Love

Defeated Eros and confined him in Krakatoa. After the rise of Christianity, Cupid was declared the Demon of Fornication. He rose above that and became the Christian symbol of Love

Somnus: god of Sleep

To take the mantle, he tore Hypnos in two (Dreams and Nightmares) and hid them away. Resides in Mount Olympus.

Bellona: goddess of War

She is also the goddess of Destruction, Conquest, and Bloodlust. Defeated Eris and confined her in Krakatoa. Resides in Olympus

Jupiter: god of the sky

Confined Zeus in Krakatoa and took over Olympus to become King of the Roman gods. Resides in Olympus

Juno: goddess of Marriage and Childbirth

Confined Hera in Krakatoa and became Queen of the Roman gods. Resides in Olympus

Neptune: god of the Sea

Confined Poseidon in Krakatoa. Resides deep in Atlantis.

Ceres: goddess of Harvest, Agriculture, and Motherhood

Confined Demeter in Krakatoa to take up her mantle. Resides in Olympus.

Ops: goddess of Earth and Fertility

Found the Mantle of Rhea that was lost when she was bound into Tartarus and took the power. Resisdes on Olympus

Luna: goddess of the Moon

She stole the hidden mantle of Moonlight Selene no longer needed and had put away when she ascended to the Moon. Luna later joined Hecate and Artemis-now-Diana as one of the Sisters of the Moon

Mars: god of War

Defeated and confined Ares in Krakatoa to take up his mantle. Lives in Olympus

Vulcan: god of Fire and Forge

Defeated Hephaestus and confined him in Krakatoa. Lives in Krakatoa.

Venus: goddess of Passion, Prosperity, and Victory

Defeated Aphrodite and confined her in Krakatoa. Lives in Olympus.



Oceanus: god of Rivers

Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians.

Coeus: god of Rational Thought

Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians

Theia: goddess of Sight

Her most impressive feat was endowing gold, silver, and gems with brilliance and intrinsic value, creating a major means of controlling mortals through greed. Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians

Rhea: goddess of Motherhood

Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians

Crius: god of Winds

Creator of the Anemoi (winds): Boreas the North Wind, Zephyrus the West Wind, Notus the South Wind, and Eurus the East Wind. Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians.

Helios Hyperion: god of the Sun

His name literally means Sun-God on High, marking him as the leader of the Titans. Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians.

Themis: goddess of Divine Law

Her power is customs, traditions, and the will of the gods. Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians.

Mnemosyne: goddess of Memory

Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians.

Iapetus: god of Bloodlines

Bound into Tartarus by the Olympians

Phoebe: goddess of Prophecy

Creator of the Oracle of Delphi at Pytho. The Olympian, Apollo, took over Pytho and the Oracle after Phoebe was bound into Tartarus.

History of Supremecy


146 BC

Battle of Corinth: where Rome defeated the Greeks for the final time. The new Roman gods defeated the Greek gods, taking up their mantles of power. The defeated Greek gods were confined in Krakatoa.  

416 AD

Krakatoa erupts  

535 AD

Krakatoa erupts  

1680 AD

Krakatoa erupts  

1883 AD

Krakatoa erupts

Cover image: by Darkmoon_Art


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