Lycan Ethnicity in Hybridis | World Anvil
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The Lycan are various clans of lycanthropes who live around the territory of Lunis. While they have many cultural similarities to the people of the kingdom, they are not the same. Many foreigners often mistakenly conflate the two due to those similarities.   Lycan are willing to let others become one of them, but generally stay away from non-Lycan outside certain contexts. Lycanthropy is considered a fundamental part of the Lycan's identity, those who become Lycan must also become a lycanthrope. Many Lycan were once Lunan, leading to many cultural overlaps.  

Family Structure

  One of the more distinctive parts of the Lycan culture is the structure of their family. The Lycan are strictly bigamous and have set roles for each partner. In gender neutral terms there is the head spouse, hearth spouse, and hunt spouse. Traditionally the arrangement is a husband, hearth wife, and hunt wife. What matters more to the Lycan is that each role is filled, whether or not it's a hunt wife or hunt husband isn't deemed as significant.   The hearth spouse is in charge of the home, keeping things there in order and teaching domestic skills. The hunt spouse leads the hunts and teaches the children how to hunt. The main spouse is supposed to balance them out and do a bit of both's role, helping in areas where the other spouses struggle. They also represent the family in situations that call for dealing with others, such as the White Moon Festival. Decisions that effect the entire family are decided with a vote by all three spouses.   New additions to a clan are considered either the spouse or the child of whoever granted them lycanthropy. Marriages and adoptions have their own rituals. Like in Lunan culture marriages only take place during the White Moon Festival.
Relative Age
  Amongst the Lycan, 'age' is determined by when someone joins the clan. The newest addition to a clan is considered the youngest even if they're biologically older than the rest of the clan. This makes Lycan family dynamics difficult for outsiders to understand.
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