The Sunless Nexus Geographic Location in Howllands | World Anvil
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The Sunless Nexus

A place of total darkness but not yet total cold. A place where no light can reach and where no ships can sail, a place where no stars shine. Yet in this place there is something invisible to the eyes of mortals is the Sun-most Nexus portal a massive pillar of magical light invisible to all but still felt by all. The pillar although not visible still releases brutal gales of blistering winds and dreaded maelstroms that briefly light the darkness of this land with their sudden bolts of lightning and shake the void with their terrible thunder. And as the lightning flashes great mountains can be seen forming a large crater in the earth and at its base an impossibly deep ocean whose depths are home to the most foul of dangers.


Though dark the nexus hides within it enormous mountains and an unfathomably deep ocean. The land around the pillar was created when the pillar first violently burst into the material realm, the monumental explosion of the pillar entering the material world rose mountains from the depths of a primordial ocean in a crater with the pillar at its center. The mountains are made of a dark sea stone black in its color and dense in its composition. The ocean surrounding the pillar has been made into a churning whirlpool that eternally swirls around the pillar itself. There is no way through the mountains and the immense storms that surround them make the sea in-navigable by any ship, the waves that batter the cliff faces of the mountains are the largest in all of the Howllands.

Fauna & Flora

The only things that can grow in this total darkness are some small patches of moss and algae that cling to the sides of the mountains as the wind and rain batters against them. Vile slimy masses of deep green algae that peel off and fall into the never ending tempest below the cliffs. But plants are not the only things that live within the borders of the nexus giant monsters of the deep roam and hunt in the violent waves and storm gales of the nexus locked in an endless battle for survival. From Aboleths with their vile tendrils and gaping black maws lined with razor sharp teeth to the mighty Krakens and their enormous bodies and tentacles lined with spikes and needled suction cups. And it is rumored that imprisoned below the swirling whirlpool at the center of the nexus is an ancient and devious shadow dragon that tries with all of its might to disrupt the magical barrier that chains it beneath the waves.

Natural Resources

no one has ever sailed to the nexus for fear of what awaits them in that darkness.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sunless Void
Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera
Location under
Included Locations


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