null-steel Material in Horin (Zyos IV) | World Anvil


Null steel (meteoric steel or Ornil) is alloyed like normal steel, but using ore from space in the process. This creates a metal that can be forged into a very strong weapon that cannot hold an enchantment, nor be affected by magic in any way. It can only be broken by powerful non-magical means.


Material Characteristics

Black and rough, it is rarely smooth, having minor bumps that even the greatest smiths cannot remove.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Null steel does not conduct energy (other than kinetic, really). All energy that hits it is simply cancelled. Although there is no actual explanation for this, the working theory is that it was divinely created for this purpose. Most spells used to analyze the metal simply fail, and those that do work only show the absence of magic. Wizards describe it as a "hole in magic" and most are very nervous around it.


This metal can be used in any use that steel is used, but if combined with magical metals, they will lose their properties.

Geology & Geography

The ore is only found periodically, when a meteor happens to hit the surface and someone detects it. Considering its anti-magically properties, it must be found manually, as it can't be magically tracked.

History & Usage


It is said, that Dorraeserd Ingotbreaker was given the Ore as a gift from Resurgo when she was named First Smith. She forged Spell Breaker with it, a large hammer that was used by the King's guard to block enemy spells.

Everyday use

Anywhere that Steel is used, but commonly used to protect against Wizards.

Environmental Impact

It is currently unknown what would happen to this metal if it was left on Power Points for any length of time.


Trade & Market

It is sold through higher end merchants in larger cities and, if you can procure it, from the Dwarves.


It is stored in containers separate from magical items, as over time it will reduce their potency.
Uncommon Metal
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