Swamp Lung Condition in Hoomanland | World Anvil

Swamp Lung

A disease that a Hooman can pick up from humid locations on their homeplanet. It causes the affected lungs to fill up with liquid, causing them to have difficulties breathing, or in severe cases will suffocate to death.


Early symptoms begin with a fever and throwing up liquid in an attempt to remove it from their lungs. As it gets worse, the Hooman will have difficulty breathing, will become more dehydrated and will eventually die from suffocation or lack of hydration.


Swamp Lung can be treated with medication, and in severe cases the liquid can be pumped out of the lungs until the hooman is able to recover.


While the condition can be fatal, due to medical progress it is very easily treatable, especially in the early stages.


Taking medication or shots before going into high risk areas is the best way to avoid developing it.


There have be major outbreaks of Swamp Lung before there was proper medication for it which had killed a lot of hoomans.

Cultural Reception

Due to how easily treated it can be, Hoomans generally don't fear it, though it has lead to cases where people underestimate how deadly it can be. It is common to get reminders in the news after there's a case of someone dying from a severe case of it.
Affected Species


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