Scarlet Prince Character in Holos | World Anvil
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Scarlet Prince

Great and Terrible Lord of the Unseelie Court

The Scarlet is a god of the Feywild and the Great and Terrible Lord of the Unseelie Court. He rules the Feydusk side of the Feywild, and is associated with those more Evil or Neutrally-aligned fey and Archfey of the Feywild.

Divine Domains

The Scarlet Prince is the embodiment of chance, chaos, total disregard for consequences in the Feywild. Many fey look to him as the embodiment of hedonism and journey to his Unseelie Court. His divine domains are Death, Nature, and Trickery.

Holy Books & Codes

The Fey have little use for written accounts of their stories, for they are long lived and have longer memories still. Those that do follow a religious text with its roots in the Scarlet Prince's worship use the Travelogue of the Cult of Murex, but little within the Travelogue paints the Prince in a positive manner.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Scarlet Prince's divine symbol is a scarlet red poppy in bloom surrounded by a ring of black stars His sacred colors are scarlet and black.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Since the peace, the Scarlet Prince has grown only more and more capricious and cruel. He seeks ways to leave the Feywild and spread his visions for hedonism, mania, and scoundrelhood throughout the Material Plane. He also is kept busy by a constant need to meddle in the affairs of his former wife, the Lavender Queen and her Archfey of the Seelie Court.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When the Scarlet Prince appears in his corporeal form, he appears as an exceedingly handsome elf or eladrin dressed in the finest and most flattering cloths his quicklings can spin. Occasionally, when he leaves on a hunt through the Feywild, he brings with him the blood red light of a harvest moon and wears an elk-skull headdress in an imitation of his father, Ókan the Beast in Shadow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Scarlet Prince is the embodiment of chance, chaos, total disregard for consequences in the Feywild. Many fey look to him as the embodiment of hedonism and journey to his Unseelie Court. Originally, the Lavender Queen and the Scarlet Prince were married and ruled the Feywild together in harmony and the two had a son, the Sweet Paramour, Nyphros. However, after an incident known in the Feywild as the Race of the Unicorns, the two engaged in a brief yet destructive conflict. A peace was negotiated, with the Lavender Queen ruling the Feydawn region and the Scarlet Prince ruling the Feydusk region.

Personality Characteristics


The Scarlet Prince seeks ways to leave the Feywild and spread his visions for hedonism, mania, and scoundrelhood throughout the Material Plane. The Prince also has made clear he will accept nearly any opportunity to meddle in the affairs of his former wife, the Lavender Queen and her Archfey of the Seelie Court.


Family Ties

Some claim that the Scarlet Prince is in fact not the former husband of the Lavender Queen but her brother and that both of them were born of the rape of Talessra by Ókan, the Beast in Shadow. However, most Fey believe that the Prince and the Queen were once married and that from their union came the Sweet Paramour, Nyphros.
Divine Classification
Deity / Archfey
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Great and Terrible Lord of the Unseelie Court
The Haunted Wood
Current Residence
The Unseelie Court
Aligned Organization

Animal Harbinger:

White faerie peacock


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