Cantons of Basceron Organization in Holos | World Anvil
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Cantons of Basceron

The Peaks of Knowledge

The Cantons of Basceron is a confederacy of thirteen city-states located within the Basceron Mountain Range. The Cantons border Faleret to the west, Reikerk to the south, Czersia to the east, and the Placidian city-states of Pinereach, Gildenvein, and Vararre to the north. Originally comprised of a loose alliance of dwarven settlements and rock gnome tribes, the Cantons formed into a true confederation in the mid-Palladian Era as a response to the growing threat of the Palladian Empire's expansion into Auloa. This culminated in the Basceron Wars, a series of military conflicts between the Cantons and the Empire. With the Sundering Arcana, the Palladian Empire soon crumbled and the Cantons took advantage of the


Each major city within the confederacy operates autonomously except in times of war, when a council is called comprised of representatives from each Canton. The council then votes for a Consul, who will lead the armies and the war effort from a centralized position. It is law that within three months after the end of hostilities, the Consul's control over the confederacy is dissolved and the Cantons return to autonomy.


Some of the most talented arcanists and artificers can be found within the mountain halls of Daleloch and Banevault.


Often referred to as “the Unconquerable,” the Basceron Mountains proved to be one of the major downfalls of the Palladium Empire. With incredibly massive peaks, icy conditions and treacherous altitudes, the Basceron Mountains are virtually uninhabitable to all but the most resilient of dwarves and gnomes. However, the Palladians soon desired to incorporate the Basceron into their empire due to the presence of mithril deep within the region’s icy chasms. A series of conflicts known as the Basceron Wars proved fruitless, and instilled a deep hatred among the mountain dwarves of Basceron towards the high elves of Placidia. When the Sundering Arcana occurred, the Basceron took full advantage of new magics, developing advanced arcane technologies while the Palladians faltered.

Demography and Population

  • Mountain dwarf: ~49%
  • Rock gnome: ~33%
  • human: ~6%
  • tiefling: ~4%
  • Other: ~2%


  • Mount Lucida (Way of the Fist)
  • Shadeshear (Way of the Shadow)
  • Cloudview (Way of the Elements)
Founding Date
Palladian Era
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Unconquerable
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Qingu currency: copper seeds, silver stars, electrum locks, gold royals, platinum oaths.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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