Lord Commander Valeria Hax Character in Hive world Dathnor 40k | World Anvil
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Lord Commander Valeria Hax

Lord Commander Valeria Hax is a relatively young commander currently in charge of Segmentum Tempestus to the galactic south of Terra. She has made a name for herself though the conquest of worlds from the forces of Chaos and the recapture of the forge world Typhonne II. She is known for her relentless persecution of traitor forces and pirates in her Sefmentum. Despite her never ending drive to root out corruption and heresy, she has a known hatred for the Inquisition. Thinking their tactics and policy of killing first before determining guilt is extreme.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hax grew up on the Civilised World Ravidia in the Segmentum Tempestus sector. Early on she joined Ravidia's planetary defense force and became renown at putting down local rebellions, eventually rising to the rank of general on that world. Being a general in a PDF doesn't mean much in the eyes of the Astra Militarum, but what drew attention to her was her actions on Ravidia during Chaos incursion of Segmentum Tempestus.   A Chaos cult rapidly gained power on Ravidia and took over almost every major institution on the planet, the planetary governor showed his true colors and embraced them. Hax lead the rebellion with what loyal troops she had under her command and took control of the world and rooted out the Chaos cult and the governor. When the inquisition finally arrived at Ravidia they set about systematically interrogating the populous and publicly executing anyone even remotely suspected of heresy, including a few of Hax's own commanders who helped her take back the world. She sent a distress signal to the Astra Militarum explaining the situation despite the inquisition forbidding her from doing so. She began to document every action she and the Inquisition took on her world, even installing hidden listing devices in the rooms the Inquisition and her would have meetings. She set about stonewalling the Inquisition politically while giving false information on the locations of important people, in addition to putting the planet under martial law to try and slow down the Inquisition death squads. Eventually the PDF and Inquisition came to a head when the Inquisition came to execute Hax and there was open conflict. When a small task force of Astra Militarum ships arrived they saw what appeared to be a world in rebellion and quickly moved into position with the Inquisition ships already in orbit. Hax began broadcasting everything she had documented to all ships in orbit, and when the Astra Militarum ships decided it would be best to review all the data before taking action the Inquisition ships started the process of planetary bombardment. The Astra Militarum ships quickly intervened by disabling some of the Inquisition ships, but not before several major population centers had been destroyed. Eventually, rather conventionally, the greater Inquisition said it was a rogue force that had originally arrived at Ravidia.   Hax would later be inducted into the ranks of the Astra Militarum and then the planetary governor of Ravidia, with the Astra Militarum she lead several battle groups in the Segmentum Tempestus sector to combat the Chaos incursion. Her skill in battle and clever use of tactics saw her rise through the ranks quickly, and eventually she became the Lord Commander of Segmentum Tempestus.
Current Location
Year of Birth
41054 58 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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