Palace Spire Settlement in Hive world Dathnor 40k | World Anvil
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Palace Spire

Not only is this spire the home of Lord Commander Valeria Hax, but it is also the command center for all of the Segmentum Tempestus region. Serving as the home of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the city, including the planetary Imperial nobility, the wealthiest merchants, industrial barons and any visitors of importance from off-world. The palace spire has markets and shops that the servants are sent to at the whims of the nobility. Only the best food and items are sold here.


After the fall of Governor Egehart Starkhand, Lord Commander Valeria Hax converted his villa and a few surrounding areas into the new command center for the Segmentum Tempestus. While she has allowed the palace spire to operate more or less the same as it has in the past, the Astra Militarum does have a higher representation here now.


This spire pierces through the cloud barrier of Dathnor, providing a stunning vista of the planet. Every family in the Spire has access to what is essentially the hive city equivalent of a mansion or villa.
Less then 1 billion
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