Laochan Gate Building / Landmark in Historitor 40,000 | World Anvil

Laochan Gate

Purpose / Function

The true purpose of Laochan Gate is lost to the ages, but as per the daemonic incursion that poured fourth from its opening during the Graia Campaign , Inquisitorial scholars believe it was an ancient chaos gate that had been de-activated millennia ago, laying dormant until some form of sacrifice was performed to awaken it.   -


Of ancient, yet advanced design, Laochan Gate had proven to be of great interest to Adeptus Mechanicus explorators who frequently delved into its ruined depths, passageways and finally - the gate entrance itself.   Archeotech could be found strewn across its vast structure, but many followers of the machine god dared not enter for spiritual reasons - and those that did often never returned.   Its outer structure appeared to be of old-Terran 'brutalist' aesthetic configuration, concealing inner workings that were far more complex - while the gate itself was a large, archway-like structure with foreboding spikes protruding from its outer edges.   -


Graia Campaign - Activation and Subsequent Daemonic Incursion

  Laochan Gate was used as an entry point into realspace for countless daemonic hordes during the Graia Campaign , an event which was orchestrated by Arkon Kel in an attempt to overrun Graia and destroy the Epsilon Battalion .   This plot was foiled when the Epsilon Battalion stormed Laochan Gate and interrupted the ritual maintaining the warp tear at its centre.   -
Founding Date
Unknown - possibly during the planet's initial colonization.
Parent Location