Dekra Akalius Character in Historitor 40,000 | World Anvil

Dekra Akalius




Dekra Akalius was present during the founding of the Epsilon Battalion at the activation of the last wall protocol. At the time, he served as a company captain beneath commander Azrael Mordred, leading the battalion's first veteran company.  

Arkhona Campaign

Dekra served faithfully during the long war for Arkhona, deepening his skills of leadership as the combat wore on. Eventually for Dekra, the time came to take command of the Epsilon battalion, becoming the battalion commander.   Though considered young for such a role, Dekra demonstrated the tenacity required to lead the battalion through the conflict, winning many key battles against traitor marine forces and xenos hordes.  

Graia Campaign

Dekra lead the Epsilon strikeforce responsible for liberating Graia during the Graia Campaign, which was under siege by the Worldsplodaz ork waaagh, later to be invaded by chaos forces also.   At the campaign's climax during the battle for Laochan Gate, Dekra came very close to being killed by Alpha Legion Harrowmaster, Arkon Kel, but was saved by the timely intervention of battle brother Threir who disrupted the warp energies of the nearby chaos gate, sending Arkon Kel into the warp.  

Daedalus Campaign

The Epsilon Battalion struck back against Dakkamog Worldsploda in the Daedalus Campaign, enacting a vast planetary conquest operation which eventually saw the demise of Dakkamog Worldsploda.

Dekra Akalius

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