Dakkamog Worldsploda Character in Historitor 40,000 | World Anvil

Dakkamog Worldsploda

Ork Warboss




  Dakkamog Worldsploda was an Ork Warboss of the Worldsplodaz, who engaged in multiple conflicts across the galaxy, most notably clashing with the Epsilon Battalion during the Graia Campaign and Daedalus Campaign.  


  Xenos Species: Orkoid   Name/Designation: Dakkamog Worldsploda   Age: Unknown   Warband: Waaaaaagh Worldploda - derived from Evil Sunz clans  

Character/Personality Overview:

Worldsploda was a towering Ork warboss with an obsession for gadgets and gizmos. His outwards appearance would suggest that he's of the usual disposition to 'kunnin' and strategy, but many Imperial military officers, and the Epsilon battalion itself, would learn that he was a wizened battlefield commander... in the Ork-sense, possessing a solid grasp of the finesse sometimes required in warfare.  

Physical Appearance:

Large, even for an Ork Warboss. Worldploda's size swelled with his rise to power as an Ork leader to be feared following the events of Vorgris Prime. Half of his body is hideously scarred, with his right eye missing. Large, protruding teeth can be seen about his mouth and from his jaw.   His armour is built from heavy scrap metal with various gadgets he himself designed, along with his notable shoulder-mounted kustom mega laser (a looted lascannon with modifications). A crudely constructed iron jaw completes his appearance, establishing himself as 'da boss' among lesser orks.  



Destruction of Vorgris Prime (988.M41)

Reports indicate that Dakkamog was present during the destruction of Vorgris prime, 988.M41, where he along with a small band of Orks gained access to the primary Hive City's thermal core.   The resulting Ork sabotage overloaded the hive's core and sent it into meltdown. Many Orks and billions of humans died as the chain reaction across Vorgris Prime's cities consumed the world... but Dakkamog escaped.   As the world below began to break apart under immense geological activity, greenskins looked upon Dakkamog with a new sense of superstitious reverence... and fear for what their new Warboss was capable of.   Reportedly, Orks of the Evil Sunz clans referred to Dakkamog as 'Dakkamog Worldsploda' henceforth.    


Acting upon his rise to infamy among fellow greenskins of the Evil Sunz clan, Dakkamog Worldsploda formed his own warband which eventually swelled into a fully-fledged WAAAAAAAAAAGH around the time of 990.M41. Records of their movements are sparse as time approached the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum, but the fall of many worlds around the Segmentum Tempestus can be attributed to Dakkamog Worldsploda's ork warbands.    

The Graia Campaign (999.M41-000.M42)

Worldsploda's first notable interaction with the Epsilon battalion was during the Graia campaign, whereby Worldsploda was leading his ork WAAAAGH on a mission to eradicate the forge world's defenders and claim its invaluable technologies for himself.   His plan was thwarted however as a surprise incursion of daemons and chaos cultists interrupted his conflict with the Epsilon battalion, sending his Ork forces into disarray as many were outright killed by the incursion or caught up in the fighting.   At the time of the chaos incursion, Worldsploda was locked in battle with the battalion's 2nd company Centurion, Nalcius, whereby the great Ork almost killed the centurion, were it not for the timely activation of his iron halo's refraction field, Light of Terra.   The combat had left Worldsploda wounded and hideously scarred along his right side, but once again the warboss managed to flee to safety, resolving to enact his vengeance upon the last wall protocol after he had had "got da boyz back together".    

The Daedalus Campaign (000.M42)

Following his retreat from Graia during the Graia Campaign , Dakkamog attempted to re-constitute his ork forces and began to assemble a sizable ork warhost.   This growing horde demanded vast quantities of food to be stockpiled before any large scale waaagh could begin in earnest once again, and realizing this, Dakkamog directed his burgeoning waaagh towards lesser-defended worlds of the Sanctus sub-sector - eventually arriving at Daedalus IV , where the events of the Daedalus Campaign were set in motion.   This campaign resulted in the ork warboss' defeat and suspected death at the hands of the Epsilon Battalion , when his kustom gargant stompa suffered catastrophic damage and exploded. Dakkamog's body was never discovered, likely due to the severity of the explosion.   -


Dakkamog Worldsploda

Warboss (Important)

Towards Da Butcha



Da Butcha

Da pain dok (Important)

Towards Dakkamog Worldsploda



Dakkamog Worldsploda

Sworn nemesis (Important)

Towards Nalcius Octavius



Nalcius Octavius

Sworn nemesis (Trivial)

Towards Dakkamog Worldsploda




Nalcius' iron halo partially blinded and heavily scarred Dakkamog's right side during the Graia campaign, moments before a Daemonic invasion began and the two were separated.

Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations