The Great Library of Mithra Building / Landmark in Hiraeth | World Anvil

The Great Library of Mithra

Located in the city of Mithra, the Great Library of Mithra is known as the largest and most significant library in all the known lands. Below the Great Library sit The Vaults of Knowledge, more commonly referred to simply as The Vaults, home to the reclusive Third Scribes. Thanks to the immense archival magic of the Third Scribes, gifted to them by The All-Seeing Archivist, the Great Library is home to a complete chronology of the Recorded Era, including all birth and death records, both official and unofficial, for all of the known lands. Further, the Great Library aims to have in its catalogue at least one copy of every book ever published.

Purpose / Function

The Great Library of Mithra, a colossal repository of knowledge and wisdom, serves a paramount purpose as the primary custodian of the collective history of the known lands. Nestled in the heart of the city of Mithra, this grand institution embodies the relentless pursuit of understanding, housing an unparalleled collection of texts, tomes, and scrolls. Its foremost mission is to preserve the vast tapestry of society's experiences, meticulously documented by the diligent hands of the enigmatic scholars known as the Third Scribes, while also serving as an archive of all the written word. The Library stands as a beacon of enlightenment, a haven where seekers of truth and scholars alike converge to explore the rich depths of recorded history, sciences, and cultures.


The Great Library of Mithra, reflecting the Mithrasian architectural principles, stands as a testament to classical elegance and maritime influence. Constructed with locally quarried sandstone and limestone and featuring fluid lines reminiscent of ocean waves, the library's stucco facade is adorned with intricate hand-wrought metalwork, gold gilding, and vibrant hand-painted ceramic tiles. The grandeur of the building is accentuated by ornate stained glass windows that depict symbolic elements of knowledge and learning. Maritime symbols, such as anchors, seashells, and rope patterns, discreetly embellish the facade, adding a touch of nautical charm to this grand institution of knowledge.   The entrance to the Great Library is an awe-inspiring spectacle, featuring a majestic four-story high portico adorned with geometric, maritime, and scholarly patterns. Arched portals and vaulted halls welcome visitors with a richly theatrical ambiance, creating an impressive entry point that beckons all in search of knowledge.   Internally, the Great Library embraces the Mithrasian aesthetic with courtyards and gardens incorporated flawlessly. These serene spaces are adorned with native plants and sculptures of great scholars and philosophers, providing a peaceful retreat for reading or contemplation.   The play of light and shadow is strategically employed within the Great Library, with reflective surfaces, glazed tiles, and water features utilized to enhance the natural and magical light carried through the reading halls, while also adding a touch of tranquility.   In essence, the architecture of the Great Library of Mithra is a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality, capturing the essence of Mithrasian design principles while paying homage to the pursuit of knowledge. The result is a visually striking and culturally rich institution that stands as a beacon of knowledge and intellectual pursuit within the coastal cityscape.


The utmost defense of the Great Library is the presence of the Third Scribes themselves. Since 1987 RE, the Third Scribes have been gifted by The All-Seeing Archivist with the divine power to immediately Elucidate any person or persons who attempts to harm the Library or the Third Scribes, rendering such attacks immediately innert.


The annals of the Great Library of Mithra unfold like the pages of an ancient tome, tracing its roots to a time before writing itself, when The All-Seeing Archivist recognized the imperative of preserving society's burgeoning knowledge.   In its nascent stages, the Library began as a modest collection housed within the home of the First Scribe. Before long, it overflowed into the city's newly blossoming educational precincts, where scholars and scribes diligently created and cataloged manuscripts and scrolls containing the words of storytellers and lorekeepers from far and wide. But that too soon began to prove insufficient as the Third Scribes increased in number. Recognizing the need for a centralized repository, the Council of Mithra appealed to the King of Croze, who commissioned the construction of a grand edifice dedicated to the pursuit and collection of wisdom, with the final design resting in the hands of the First Scribe.   Over the centuries since, the Library has faced both triumphs and trials, and has weathered the storms of political upheaval. The turning point in its history came during the incident known as the Burning of the Library of Mithra, in 1987 R.E., a tragic episode where the Library faced potential destruction at the hands of those who sought to manipulate historical narratives. In response, the All-Seeing Archivist intervened, establishing a protective enchantment to guard both the sanctity of the Library and its custodians, the Third Scribes.   In the aftermath, the Library emerged stronger and better equipped to safeguard its wealth of knowledge. The Third Scribes, with their divine sight, continued their tireless work in The Vaults, capturing the ebb and flow of events across the known lands.   The Great Library of Mithra has transformed into an enduring symbol of resilience, an institution that withstood the test of time and continued to evolve, adapting to the ever-changing currents of Hiraeth's history. Today, it stands not only as a bastion of learning but as a temple to the All-Seeing Archivist and a living testament to the Scribes' unwavering commitment to the preservation of knowledge across generations.


Tourists and scholars alike embark on pilgrimages to the Great Library of Mithra, drawn by the allure of its towering shelves and the intricacy of its grand architecture. The Library welcomes visitors from distant lands, offering guided tours through its hallowed halls where the whisper of turning pages echoes the pursuit of knowledge. The allure of witnessing the elusive Third Scribes moving through the halls adds an ethereal quality to the experience. As a testament to its cultural significance, the Great Library of Mithra stands not merely as a repository of books but as a living testament to the shared history, artistry, and intellectual endeavors of the known lands.
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Jan 9, 2024 21:23

I love your description of the Great Library, I can really imagine some wise individual pouring through ancient records to find out something important. The Third Scribes sound really interesting and I'd love to learn more about them.