Mo'at Species in Hijr | World Anvil


Original art by Zdenek Burian - 1953
For centuries the Mo'at served as beasts of burden in Lu Ven, in the last 60 years or so they have started to become more commonplace across the rest of the world.

Basic Information


Closely resembling the Axe Beak of the southern jungles, the Mo'at are a large flightless bird. Their thick muscular legs lift their heavy neck and dangerous beak above the tall grass of their homeland.

Genetics and Reproduction

A Mo'at is born from an egg, after 3-5 months of gestation (dependent upon climate). Mo'at tend to mate for life, but this is not always the case. The female lays a clutch of 1-3 eggs, and jealously guards her nest for the entire gestation, while the male hunts and brings her food, as well as beak fulls of water to keep her alive.

Growth Rate & Stages

After they hatch, a Mo'at can walk and hunt within 6 hours. The hatchling stays with it's father for 1-2 years, while the mother moves on and resumes her usual hunting as soon as the hatchling leaves the egg. The father teaches the Mo'at hatchlings how to run, hunt, and track prey. Once the hatchling reaches maturity it leaves its fathers care, and sets out to find a territory and mate of its own.

Ecology and Habitats

In their homeland of Lu Ven, they inhabit the grasslands, hills and deciduous forests of the continent. When moved to other lands, they adapt quickly to other climates and terrains, changing the color and thickness of their feathers to best suit their survival within 1 or 2 generations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivores by nature, they are able to survive off carrion, fresh meat or foraged roots and berries. However they seem to prefer rotting meat, making them handy for cleaning up unwanted messes.

Additional Information


Mo'at are naturally docile creatures (with the exception being parents protecting a nest or offspring), making them quite easy to domesticate.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Used as beasts of burden and mounts, Mo'at also provide occasional eggs (roughly 1 per month), and can be harvested for meat once they age beyond use.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Gígan Tsekoúri Poulí
15 to 20 years
Average Height
5 foot at the shoulder, 8 foot at the top of the head.
Average Weight
400 - 500 lbs
Average Length
5 feet from beak to tailtip

Articles under Mo'at


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