House Dracus Organization in Hijr | World Anvil

House Dracus

Faithful servants of the Dragon-Father, Bahamut, and staunch defenders of the city. House Darcus is the largest known gathering of metalic dragonborn in the world, and as such holds great respect with most other dragonborn clans. Any metalic dragonborn can become a full member of the clan, should they be able to prove their worth and pay appropriate homage to the temple of the Platinum Dragon.


House Dracus is controlled by a High-Ser, Ser Havdralgus Cerl Dracus.
At his command are 25 Ser, or Silver Lords.
Each of these controls 25 Lesser Ser, or Brass Captains.
Each Brass captain commands 25 soldiers, and is charged with deffending roughly 75 to 100 civilians.

Public Agenda

House Dracus serves as safeguard of the city. It's staunch soldiers patrol the streets of not only their district, but of all common places acting as mediators and police. House Dracus wishes only for the people of the city to thrive, and to bring honor to the Dragon-Father, Bahamut.


  • Temple of Bahamut
  • Platinum shrine (Statue and holy place)
  • The Ser (Dragonborn nobility)
  • Draconic Knights


Formed by a nomadic dragonborn tribe seeking refuge, after their chieftain was visited by the Dragon-Father himself. This vision of Bahamut told the cheiftain where they could settle in relative safety and erect a temple in his name. The tribe traveled for 31 years, until they found the artifact mentioned by Bahamut, and settled in it's shadow, as they had been instructed. A single platinum coin was set in the center of their camp, and every day from then on another coin was added to the pile, slowly growing in size, this pile was then sculpted, little by little, into the image of Bahamut himself.

"Our Father, King of all great dragons, guides us forward to glory"

Founding Date
-337 CE
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Platinum Sanctuary, Grand Dragonborn Assembly
Notable Members

Articles under House Dracus


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