Unknown Alien Species Species in Heroes and Villains | World Anvil

Unknown Alien Species

The specimen appears to have originated from outside this solar system. It is somewhat humanoid in body plan, though it has digitigrade legs, four arms and a tail. Its face has no nose and six eyes. Its mouth appears to be invisible unless opened. It is covered in dark purple scales with glowing purple scales scattered seemingly randomly over its body.   The specimen is often hostile and unwilling to cooperate. The specimen also displays an amazing ability for healing and regeneration, above that of many with enhanced healing through Powered Mutation.   Blood taken from the specimen has been used in ███████ and ████████████ as well as been shared with ██████ and ████████.   Experiments run by Dr. ██████ ███████ have revealed that the specimen ███

Cover image: by Felix Van Huss


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