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According to legend Folkanryd suffer from a condition called Manndreaks, a slow decay of the human soul. Every generation it gets more and more corrupt leading to the eventual death of mann as we know it. Yenwyrd is the renewal of the entire world. Pure humans are brought into the world by the gods in order to start the cycle all over again.

What causes Manndreaks

There are many speculated causes of this disorder, some of which are more widely accepted than others. Some Folk also have their own localized myths surrounding the disorder.

Widely known ideas

One of the most popular ideas regarding what causes this disorder is related to diet. It is believed throughout Helnia that a poor diet can cause both the kildhama of wyf and the sad of wer to dreaks. Generation by generation this dreaks leads to the inability for either party to reproduce, leading to the birth of the last kild and eventually the end of mann. As such many Folk take a great importance to diet, some Folk even have laws against either certain items they deem unhealthy.   The Folkkolland have their own theories about the cause of manndreaks. Folkkolland believe that evil/crimes commited by humans corrupts their sad. Once amann is consumed with evil their sad is also tainted by it, as such Folkkolland remove the genitals of ALL criminals before their banishment from the Folk. As such they believe that removing the ability to reproduce evil is why the have almost non existant crime aside from ignorant foreigners. Whether that is from the actual removal of evil, or the fear of losing ones genitals is up for debate, but it irrefutably works to prevent crime. But whether it prevents manndreaks is generally unconfirmed by Folkanyrd.
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