Xehira Ethnicity in Helios | World Anvil
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The Xehiran are believed to be Koankan settlers from far away Dozango, who would colonize and settle near what is today the Bredlam Region and Riverland in the late 12th century. The Xehiran traded along the Kyphrian River and settled along it, trading and fighting with the locals they came across establishing a small, but strong nation. Though their military might was tenuous at best given the size of their settlements, their true strength came from inter alliances and confederations with the local tribal peoples, formed upon marriages and trade.   Thus the Xehira have always been a melting pot of ideas and cultures, absorbing cultures and assimilating and replacing new traits into their own. Leading many outsiders to think them welcoming and friendly, never batting too much of an eye at the customs of outsiders and attempting to accommodate to an extend.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Xehira names are more akin to epitets made from conjuctures of words that form a symbolic meaning for a person to carry, these names themselves may then be inherited once a person dies if the name was strong and prosperous for it's previous owner. These names are often structured into a noun which repressants a notion or concept and a verb to show how it should be used or give it greater meaning.

Family names

The Xehiran have not traditionally used family names, but did adopt matronymics from the local tribes, even know the notion is a slow thing to be adopted, as names to distinguish between families seems rather pointless, after all a name is sacred thing given to a single person to carry, it is the marker of the soul and thus nonsensical to give a whole group a shared soul.


Common Dress code

The Xehiran dress quite garishly according to many northerns, bright colours yellows and purples to contrast the ink markings. Their sense of style is also quite peculiar, with the men wearing little else but sleeves and underwear according to the more conservatively clothed visitors they receive and the woman wearing long folded skirts and sleeves leaving their torso bear.   Headdresses and jewelry is also quite common for more festive occasions. Though with the coming influx of northern ideals many have switched to wearing trousers as fashion statements of the changing times.


Beauty Ideals

The Xehira see beauty in pronounced features, a strong sharp nose and chin, with strong cheeckbones. It is quite common for the Xehiran to ink themselves in strong and wide patterns, with red being a universal colour, and black being deferred to by warriors and men, and yellow to that of woman and scholars, with such markings showing social class and adolescence based upon their placement and pattern of the markings.
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