Salen Character in Helios | World Anvil
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The Furious Thunder, The Howling Storm, Hound of the Heavens. Salen

Salen was born of Calium's folly during an ancient battle, as he was torn to be pieces by his enemies who could not take him on alone, she was the first to be torn from his flesh and she was his anger and pain, but also his righteousness. But from the unset of her birth she was imparted the anguish of her father, how it felt to be abandoned by his brother, thus she swears she would never shame her father like that nor anyone else, she would not fail her uncle had. She fought with such ferocity, a dervish of untamed anger bringing fear even into the celestials, that this creature was somehow contained with the calm Calium.  

Dreaded Herald

For many years she would hunt the remaining stragglers of that refused the wisdom of Raziel, and drag them before Harkon. She was the hound of the heavens, their godhunter, for she fought great ferocity and the skill of her Father, even Raziel grew impressed with her service, and commanded Parron to give her a toll worthy of her service during the conflict and for saving her Father. She was awarded a crown of thunder by Parron and since those days her approach has always been heralded by great thundering storms, to mortals she would thus become the goddess of thunder and storms, but they also knew she heralded the wrath of heaven, and thus many fear the coming of thunder.  

Righteous Thunder

It is said that Salen was once tricked by her cousin Fennesia, donning the guide of Raziel, she tricked the eager Salen into sticking an innocent soul, enraged by this she went to strike her, but the law prevented her hand, for there was no proof. Thus Salen grew to despise Harkon, to her what mattered was justice, not the bureaucratic tape, something that alienated her even more from the Celestials.   From then own she sought to serve the Pantheon in her way, she sought justice in the mortal realm in her way, sinners escaping justice would be pierced by her bolts, and some called out to her to strike down those who walked free. But Salen never attacked someone without proof, she would never have her honor stained like that again.  Some whispers even stating that she grew to doubt previous targets, and how deep her own sins ran.



The Howling Storm

Some would say that above all Salen is a god of fury, that the deep-seated anger of which she was born is her main trait. Perhaps they might be right, Salen is a tempestuous god, her mood can sourer swift, she is the thunderous cloud looming on the horizon. Many would pray for her savagery and skill in battle, that they might emulate her glory, and that victory might be theirs. She has never discouraged such worship, but above all, she has always taught her followers to be true to themselves, and that includes their anger, no emotion should be hidden, for it all part of what you are, howl your anger to the world, yell of your love and passion, let the world know you, as you know yourself.

Righteous Thunder

Salen has always encouraged loyalty in her follows, she expects it of them and in turn, she will show aid them. Many would swear oath's in her own, that she may witness the truth of their words and bind their loyalty to her honor that she may smite them if broken, and to her, this is true order, not tedious laws, but rather true understanding of intent and truth to one another and swift personal punishment when broken. But that is not to say that she encourages loyalty above personal honor and a sense of right and wrong, for true righteousness can only stem from within, not from others.        


The worship of Salen is often isolated, and personal, she is not one for great gatherings and ceremonies but rather that place is dedicated to a place where she can be alone with her followers and grant them the time they need. Thus her worship is often one of simple prayer, perhaps an offering of food and drink, that she may be their companion in a symbolic sense.  


The Sharing of Food and Drink: To Salen the sharing of food is a bond of loyalty and trust, and should you share either with one it is a great sin to betray their trust, and thus the act of sharing food with Salen is also a show of trust to her.

Divine Domains

Honesty, Thunder, Storms, War, Fury and Anger, and Loyalty.

Tenets of Faith

  • Do not Fear, Do not Back Down, Do not balk empty Threats.
  • Show your feelings, be honest with others and yourself, show the world your anger and love.
  • Do all things in honesty and excess.
  • Mortal life is short do not spend it on your knees.
Divine Classification


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