Parron Character in Helios | World Anvil
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The World Smith, Father of Dwarfs, Patron of Artisans, The Silent God. Parron

World Smith

Parron was instructed by Raziel himself to make the continents of the chaos left behind by the Primordials and the Titans. He raised the mountains and he crafted all the minerals within them by hand and made the soil. He made the world inhabitable for mortal life, and he aligned the planes and forged the barriers between them.

Dwarf Father

As a reward, he was allowed the right to create his own sons and daughters, and so he took to his anvil and so he tempered the hardest steel and formed it into a race of his own image, harsh, stoic, unmoving, and filled with an inner passion to leave their own mark on the world. He bade them make the earth their home, to harness the riches he had left and gifted them, to make a paradise out of its harsh stone.   He gifted them an understanding of steel and rune so that they would never lack in what they could get beneath the earth.  

The Silent God

As the world fell apart in the great catastrophe, as fire licked the earth and the gods left the earth, Parron fell silent. Non of his priest or children know why, but Parron has not spoken nor directly answered prayer since those days. He has watched in silence, answering only prayers in feverish dreams and strange visions. his worshippers knowing only that he lives because his priest still channels his essence and his dreams of inspiration for artisans.    



The Creator

The Creator not only represents Parron as the World Smith but also as the patron of artisans, for as he made the world upon his anvil thus did he love to watch mortals imitate his art and craft, to watch them make their own creations, he has blessed many craftsmen with a fever dream, sudden inspiration, knowledge, and the know-how to create their greatest masterpiece.   Especially amongst his chosen people.  

The Silent God

The Stoic god or the Silent Father, many are divided on why he has left the world and why he chooses to remain silent, the dwarfs believe it was because their ancestors broke their ancient oath when they conquered the mountains from the giants, while some believe it is shame that drove him from the physical world, others claim that he is imprisoned. The Silent god represents stoicism and inner strength.  


The worship of Parron is a difficult thing, for as the silent god one cannot know if one has gathered his attention or if prayers are heard. But is main form of worship is simple prayer, often done in mass to ensure that ones group is heard. But great of all the smithing rituals made in his name to gain his attention.


Common smithing rituals or offering of artisan goods are the easiest ways to gather his attention for persona prayers. Crafting an item in honor of Parron is considered a great honor to him, usually such items remain with the craftsman, but if he takes a particular liking to such an item it may disappear soon to be with him.

To Honor your God


Myths & stories

They say that in the ancient past Parron was a lover of the night, leaving her beautiful stars to adorn herself with, and their love was a beacon within the great emptiness. And though centuries passed, and new realms were raised, there are those who claim that their love never faltered through it all.

Divine Domains

Creation, Inspiration, Craftsmanship, Smithing, Inner Strenght.

Holy Books & Codes

Parron's holy words and works are greatly documented by the Dwarfs, as the great templates, these tablets and books detail the crafting of the underdark, the Dwarfs and many great artifacts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hammer and Anvil, somtimes it is depicted instead as a hammer on fire depending on what aspect is called upon.



Lover (Important)

Towards Parron




Lover (Important)

Towards Morkova



Divine Classification
Morkova (Lover)


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