Vampyric Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Helaeron | World Anvil

Vampyric Magic

Often called Sanguimancy. Vampyric Magic is the profane Conductions of The Energy of Mana that control, influence, and otherwise depend on Blood.
It's practitioners are the Vampyre Men. And they utilize it to feed, to defend themselves, and to attack. The arts of Vampyric Magic are forbidden on penalty of death under The Treaty of Magai. As such, its precise limits are unknown among the mortal races of Men. But well known to the Adepts and Elders among Vampyres.

While it is not well known by Mages of The University of Arcaena and Mages of other Institutions. Its capabilities have been gleaned at by Mages of the Fourth Aeon for centuries. What they have learned is precious little, but paints a terrifying picture.

  • Vampyric Magic can draw blood from a living thing. Accounts of Vampyres willing blood from the veins of their mortal prey are many. Describing the event as "A terrible will imposed upon the blood. Compelling it to burst from a victims veins and flying across the distance between Vampyre and Victim to reach the fiends mouth. The Vampyre drinks deep, and the victim is drained like a water skin." Investigators from the University of Arcaena have dubbed this spell "Sanguefuer." or Blood Stealer.
  • Vampyric Magic can influence the body of a victim by the blood in their veins. Accounts report of survivors of Vampyre activity being compelled to open a door, a window, or a gate. Their will, and even their voices are suppressed by the profane art. Making them both a puppet and a prisoner. Investigators have dubbed this spell "Sanguepathae" or Blood Puppet.
  • Vampyric Magic can also turn the Vampyre into a red mist. Making them capable of passing through gates, windows, grates, and small holes. Investigators have dubbed this spell "Calefaesa" or Mist form.

          These are but a few of the proposed spells of Vampyric Magic. Their particulars and requirements yet remain unknown. Only that Vampyres may cast them without fear of The Ravage. Seemingly drawing on the Mana of the victim. All the more reason the Vampyric Arts are forbidden.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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