The Roaring Sea Geographic Location in Helaeron | World Anvil

The Roaring Sea

Once, they were but nameless waters. But when the Orcs came from beyond their uncharted reaches in The Second Aeon. The southern sea was given a new name. The Roaring Sea. 
So named for the roars of Orcish Zhalok, or Shamans. A strange practice they performed in order to find land. Orcish story tellers today say that the Shamans were calling on the yet unmet spirits for guidance, mercy, and permission to come ashore in these unknown waters. The spirits seemed to grant their request.
As was written by the Dragon Poet Thyrenndraxis: "I looked south where the night and the day would mingle and dance. But beheld only mist. There, amid the sea borne fog, a great noise rang out amid the unseen. Like the joining of lions roars with wolves howls. Then through the mist came a tide of green flesh. A new race had come to this world without course. Bringing with it, an uncertain future."
Alternative Name(s)
The Southern Sea


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