Lycanthropy Condition in Helaeron | World Anvil


The malicious disease born in the now extinct species of beasts called Lycanids. A vicious beast created by The Strangers as a perversion and corruption of wolves and to be a scourge of all mortal beings. Its first recorded case comes from one of the myths of Men. When the brothers Maarik and Lyrak went out hunting and came upon a pack of Lycanids. Maarik leaves Lyrak to the beasts after Lyrak had accosted him brutally moments before. Lyrak then became infected with a new disease and became the first werewolf. Remembered by myth and legend as Lyrak Wolfenscourge.

Alchemysts have labored long to devise a treatment, or even a cure. So far. The only potion that can at least staunch the change is Wolfsbane Draught. An alchemical remedy meant to staunch the changes frequency. But cannot eliminate them all together.

The disease immediately attacks the body upon first contact. Causing episodes of sickness and pain. Then, initially, the sufferer becomes a Werewolf only during the lunar alignments. If the sufferer survives long enough however. The change can be controlled.

Transmission & Vectors

The saliva of a sufferer of Lycanthropy when they've changed into a werewolf. The human aspects are replaced by the wolf aspects.


Positions of the Moon affect the changes. Mages and Alchemysts have theorized that the Geo-Magnetic energy of the planet as it harmonizes with the Moons own energy somehow stimulates the malignity to catalyze and bring about the change. In the later life stage of the disease, as it bonds to the sufferer. The change becomes independent of the lunar cycles, and entirely subject to the sufferer.


First Contraction is made evident by an intense fever. The bodies attempt to attack the alien infection. This sign persists for three to eight hours of initial infection. 

Foaming at the mouth and seizures are also normal. Like Rabies but more malicious. 

The sufferer will react in either of these ways for anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Depending on the sufferers constitution, age, and species. Elder Races can endure the first contact and later metabolizing phases due to their genetic vitality capabilities. Men of any race ages 67 to 78 will die from the first contact symptoms due to their advanced age and degenerating systems.

When the change happens. The bones will break, and change. Healing back in abnormal ways. The skin grows dark, then sprouts fur. The eyes go black, then resemble a wolfs eyes. The change is extremely painful.


No known treatment exists except attempting to keep the sufferers body temperature regulated to where they can survive after first contact. Beyond that. Wolfsbane Draught can help to stave off the change during the lunar dependency stages.


Sufferers who survive transmission will transform into Werewolves during full lunar alignments. In later stages the change can be controlled at will.


During the lunar dependency stages. The change is announced by an intense sweating fever. This typically only lasts for three minutes before the change happens. In the independent stages, the fever does not occur.


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