Medicant Profession in Heirs to the Crown | World Anvil
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Medicants are healthcare professionals specialised in medical substances. They have knowledge of a wide variety of medical herbs, poweders, and other medicine, and also have a license to distribute potentially harmful or generally rare medication.   Towns of a population of at least 1000 are allowed a medicant's office or apothecary, and village physicians oftentimes acquire special needs medicine from their local meicant's office as they are otherwise hard to come by.



A medicant is required to sucessfully complete their medic assistance at a physician's office for at least one year and at a medicant's office for at least four years.

Payment & Reimbursement

Depending on the region, position and seniority, a medicant receives between 30 and 40 Gold Shin per year and typically receive a lodge free of charge. They may also request one to two servants as well as at least one medic assistant per apothecary. Further they may receive a horse as well as husbandry for the steed.


Provided Services

Medicants primarily handle acquisition, quality management, and destribution of medical substances within their region. Furthermore, they may create recipes of rare, dangerous, or otherwise specialty medicines that Physicians require with a special permit. They are also revered as specialists with toxins and may provide care for those who ingested poisonous items or had contact with a venomous species.
Alternative Names
critical infrastructure
Other Associated professions

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