Jordyn O'Donnell - Fiction from Adam Nathaniel Davis

Jordyn O'Donnell

I'm gonna die here. On this crappy team. That accomplishes nothing. And has no valid reason to exist. This... is where I'll die. I just know it. I can feel it in my bones.
Jordynn O'Donnell, Project Administrator with Hegemony International
ordyn is a project administrator, assigned to the  Special Projects team within Hegemony International

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

hile Jordyn is not grossly out-of-shape, his physical demeanor leaves much to be desired.  He is not fat, but he's already working on a noticeable paunch and his posture gives the impression that he's somewhat short of his "true" height.

Identifying Characteristics

ordyn is borderline-blind without his glasses. Not only are they of a severe prescription, but he has an affinity for thick black frames and huge lenses that make it seem as though he's viewing the world through a fish bowl.

Apparel & Accessories

ordyn's attire is frightfully boring.  He favors brown slacks and short-sleeve button-down shirts with clip-on ties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

ordyn joined the Special Projects team in 2060. After being with the team for 10 months, he requested a transfer to another team. His request was denied on the basis that Hegemony corporate policy requires an employee to be in their position for at least one year before applying to move to another team.

In 2061, he again requested a transfer to another team. His request was again denied on the basis that he must be with his current team for at least a year before requesting a lateral move. When he objected that he had now been with the Special Projects team for more than a year, he was informed that his denied application from 2060 had "reset the clock" on his time with his current team, and that he could not request a new transfer until a year had passed from the date of his previous "failed" request.

In February of 2063, he requested a transfer to the Corporate Governance team. His request was approved and he was given a start date in Corporate Governance of June 1st. However, in May of 2063, the Corporate Governance team was disbanded and Jordyn was left on the Special Projects team.

In 2064, he applied for a position as the manager of the Morale & Welfare team, based out of Des Moines, Iowa. He was a finalist for the position, but after his seventh round of interviews, he was informed that he'd been eliminated based upon an unfavorable review submitted by his manager on the Special Projects team. When he further investigated the manner, he found that the "unfavorable review" was actually submitted against another team member, but had been misfiled under him. Although the mistake was corrected in Jordyn's personnel file, by the time the misunderstanding was cleared up, the position with the Morale & Welfare team had been filled.

In 2066, he applied for a lateral move to the Opposition Research team, based out of Washington, D.C. Although his application was initially approved, he was disqualified from the position before the transfer could be completed. He was informed that he'd failed a background check - and the "failure" was based upon his established history of requesting transfers. This led the Office of Background Checks to mark him as a potentially "disloyal or unstable" candidate, this killing any potential he had to join Opposition Research.

In 2067, he applied for a position working in Hegemony's massive Jaxport docking operation as a common laborer. He applied for the position because dock workers are not subject to background checks, so his history of previously-sought transfers should not count against him. However, those evaluating his request marked him as "over-qualified", and the transfer was denied.

Can someone please point me to the parade of farm animals I'll need to blow to finally get off this fucking team??
Jordynn O'Donnell, Project Administrator with Hegemony International
In 2069, he attempted to impersonate an M&M in an attempt to escape the Special Projects team by joining middle management. He made it through the first three rounds of remote interviews. But in the fourth round - an in-person interview - it became obvious that he was not, in fact, a viable M&M candidate because was not, in fact, an M&M clone.  This became painfully obvious during the in-person interviewing process because all M&M clones are white - but Jordyn is decidedly... Black.  In addition to being disqualified from the role, he was also placed on a six-month disciplinary probation.

At this point, Jordyn has lost none of his burning desire to transfer out of the Special Projects team.  But he is mostly resigned to the idea that he will never be able to escape the team for as long as he remains a Hegemony employee.


lthough Jordyn is loathe to discuss his personal affairs with other Hegemony employees, he is decidedly heterosexual.  Not only does he enjoy the company of women, but he currently has 3 wives and 13 children.  While Tessa Robicheaux knows much about Jordyn's personal relationships, most of the other members of the Special Projects team are barely aware of his lifestyle and family situation.


espite Jordyn's long history of frustration with the Special Projects team, he has never seriously considered leaving Hegemony International.  Given his financial obligations to his large (and seemingly ever-growing) family, he is deathly afraid of being unemployed - even for a short period of time.

Failures & Embarrassments

hile Jordyn is not in any way ashamed of his many wives (and many more children), he knows all-too-well that his is an unconventional lifestyle.  As such, he goes to great lengths to avoid sharing details of his personal life with his coworkers.  This has led many to imagine that his family life is full of dark secrets.  For those who know him even less, many have jumped to the conclusion that he's a closeted homosexual.  But the simple truth is that he feels compelled to shield the details of his personal life from casual colleagues because he fears the potential moral disdain that would flow from those who would condemn his family choices.

Mental Trauma

is repeated trials while attempting to escape the Special Projects team have left Jordyn deeply distrustful.  He has grown to resent many of the team's past-and-current members.  But it's not just his failed transfers that have left him scarred.

On numerous occasions, Jordyn's work has been stolen out from under him.  Typically, this occurs when high-visibility projects are shipped out - with no prior warning - to the Very Special Projects team.  Even worse, some of his better ideas have been "demoted" down to the Standard Projects team.  Regardless of where these projects are shipped off to, the end result is always the same - his seminal work on the project is discarded.  Even worse, if these "lost" projects fail to bear fruit on other teams, the blame is always somehow shunted back to him.

Intellectual Characteristics

iven his open disdain for the Special Projects team, his adamant (and constantly-thwarted) desire to leave the team, and the occasional sulking that arises from this situation, Jordyn is sometimes viewed by others as a sad case.  His outward demeanor of weariness and distrust sometimes leads others to view him as somehow "lacking".  But this is far from the truth.  He has a keen mind and an innate sense for Hegemony's business interests.  For those who appreciate his proclivities, he is seen as a valuable resource.

My path outta here would be sooo much easier if I could just bring myself to suck at my job. But even on the worst of days, there are levels to which I will not stoop.
Jordynn O'Donnell, Project Administrator with Hegemony International
His breadth of knowledge can also catch people off-guard.  He has a solid understanding of the physical sciences.  He's remarkably proficient at reading people.  And despite his personal grievances with the team, he can provide targeted strategic analysis - at least... when anyone bothers to solicit his analysis.

Personality Characteristics


t's easy to assume that Jordyn's sole motivation is merely to escape the Special Projects team - by any means necessary.  And to be sure, this is something that remains forever present in his mind.  But his goals aren't nearly so basic.

Family Man
He's a consummate family man.  The primary reason that he refuses to even consider leaving Hegemony International is that he's deeply driven by the welfare of his 3 wives and 13 children.  As much as he's come to loathe the politics in-and-around the Special Projects team, he will do nothing to endanger - even for a brief period of time - his ability to provide for all the members of his extended family.

This sometimes leads others to believe that he's not a "team player" or that he's not "all in".  On the surface, all they see is a guy who hates his current work situation and rarely (if ever) will engage in any off-hours, morale-boosting, team-building activities.  But he eschews such activities not because he hates everyone with whom he works - but because he has 3 wives and 13 children waiting for him at home, depending upon him as their sole head-of-household.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

o those who are actually aware of his lifestyle, Jordyn can occasionally stumble into an embarrassing predicament: He struggles mightily when asked to name his family members.  Although he can usually name his wives (after all, there are "only" three of them), he can rarely manage to rattle off the 13 different names of his children without checking his notes.  And even if he nails all of their names, he can rarely recite their ages.  Whenever this occurs, he feels horrible about the situation - stuttering and apologizing profusely.  There are even times when he's mistakenly claimed that he has only 12 children - or when he's blurted out that he has 14.

JOHR-dinn oh-DONN-uhl
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Project Administrator
Year of Birth
2034 36 Years old
Current Residence
Jacksonville, Florida
Tightly-cropped "natural" Black/kinky hair
1.7 m
77 kg

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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