Silianth Species in Haven | World Anvil
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Feared by hunters, the silianth is a dangerous scavenger that hones in on fresh or dried blood and fights any other being who threaten thier meal. They are slender flying insects with long armlike limbs that can slice and tear the flesh of carcases. Light cream colored with a yellow underbelly and bluish translucent elytra, they find excellent camoflauge against sand and light rocky surfaces where they often make thier nests. They are pretty harmless until something nearby dies, then they fight ferociously anything close by.

Basic Information


Appearing as a slender mantis with a more fly-like head they have a pair of strong wings they use to fly in any condition, even through sandstorms. They possess a pair of strong jaws they use to slice through bone and meat and a pair of armlike appendages to assist in cutting and pulling meat from a carcass.

Genetics and Reproduction

They lay eggs underground in soft soil during the hot season. After hatching, they feed on small carcases or dead insects dropped under the egg clutch.

Growth Rate & Stages

These insects are a nuisance in the warm seasons when they breed, but go completely dormant in the colder seasons.

Ecology and Habitats

They require some loose soils to lay their eggs in and burrow into the soil to hibernate in the winter, when fresh corpses are scarcer.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on blood and meat, but in times of scarcity can be seen consuming insects or even cannibalizing each other.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in the arid regions near to loose soils and wildlife.

Average Intelligence

About as smart as any insect, but able to coordinate group efforts of hunting and mating.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are capable of sensing blood from a great distance. They have such a quick response to dead animals that some have rumored that they could sense the imminent death of a creature before it actually happens.
2 years
Average Height
Average Weight
200 grams
Average Length

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