Fucoculade Tradition / Ritual in Hastened Delight | World Anvil



Although archeologists have found proof of fucoclade being used in ancient Duptian, it is only since the inclusion of their folk into the Tightish Empire that the custom has become widespread.
There are now dedicated manufacturers, who may sell these products at quite a price, although even the poorest of people have been known to wear fucoclade.


The fucoclade is gently applied to the skin and hair around the eyes, including the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows.
From the corner of the eye decorative patterns may be created, such as symmetrical patterns of dots or tapered lines.
Particularly wealthy individuals may have it applied by a professional Dressing Maid.

Components and tools

For the application, anything from a finger or old toothbrush to a fococular brush may be used.
The fucocular brush is usually made using a large drop of rubber attached to a brush-handle, and the rubber may be carved into various shapes to aid precise application.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by A Lambent Eye


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