Thardic Republic Organization in Harn | World Anvil
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Thardic Republic

The Thardic Republic is a plutocratic state governed by a republican senate. The republic was founded in 674, having evolved from the Thardic League. The capital, Coranan, is Hârn’s largest city. The republic has one other walled city, Shiran, and several large towns.

The supreme governing body of the republic is the Thardic Senate, housed in the Chamber of the Red Domes in Coranan. The Senate is controlled by 66 wealthy families who own 90 percent of the republic’s land. The major responsibilities of the Senate are to levy taxes, conduct foreign affairs, and appoint various key officials. The Senate is often deadlocked because of the rivalry between powerful factions, including an imperialist party that intrigues for a revival of the once-mighty Corani Empire.

The republic is divided into six administrative provinces: Coranan, Eidel, Gerium, Kom, Ramala, and Shiran. Each province has two governors: a civil administrator called a magistrate and a marshal who commands the provincial legion. Each is appointed for a three-year term that may be extended at the pleasure of the Senate. Each governor can veto the other’s ecisions; deadlocks are referred back to the Senate. Neither official is paid and corruption is rampant. It has been said that a provincial governor can steal enough money in his first year to pay the bribes that got him the appointment, enough in the second year to bribe the jury that will try him for corruption when he retires, and more than enough in the third year to live in luxury for the rest of his life. It is possible, although rare, for one person to hold both offices, as is currently the case in Eidel Province. Although the city of Coranan lies within Coranan Province, it has its own separate government.   The cohorts and companies of the provincial legions are assigned at the discretion of the Senate. Each legion is responsible for maintaining order within a specific province and for defense against foreign aggression.   All Thardic keeps and castles are garrisoned by legion units. It is treason (a capital offense) for any marshal to lead his army outside his province without Senate approval. The Red Guard garrison Coranan and serve as the senatorial bodyguard. Although technically also responsible for policing the city, they have grown so lax in this regard that several religious and ercenary groups have taken over much of that duty.   The senate is often deadlocked because of the rivalry between five or six powerful factions, including an imperialist party that intrigues for a revival of the once-mighty Corani Empire. Relations with the neighboring kingdoms is tense: the Republic won a war with Kanday within the last decade and Rethem is an unstable powderkeg. Two tribal nations also border the Republic: the wary and often violent Gozyda, and the ruthless Tulwyn.

Public Agenda

Maintain Security, both of border and economic. Provide a safe trade route to the eastern kingdoms.

Maintain large and strong standing armies.

Eventual conquest, either militarily or economic of nearby rival states or tribes.


Large army consisting of 6 Legions and the elite Red Guard.   The Thard River provides fertile soil, fish, and easy transportation.   The Salt Route, named after the republics large rock salt deposit. This is the key trade route between western and eastern Harn.   Lake Benath provides fish which smoked and fish oil used in perfume manufacture.   The forests provide good lumber, resins, charcoal, nuts, and herbs.   The republic is blessed with good marble, iron and silver mines.   Slavery is legal and provide cheap expendable labor.


674TR - Founded from remains of the Corani Empire, the republic was officially formed from the Thardic League.   708TR - The Agrikian Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra, from The Kingdom of Rethem crossed the Gomisen River and seized Themeson Keep from the republic. War was narrowly avoided, some say due to generous bribes to key Senators, but the territory was lost. Negotiations are underway with its current holder the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang for its return.   712TR - The Kandian Earl of Kuseme sent knights to enforce his claims to contested villages near Eidru. The Senate was in an aggressive mood and declared war, ordered the Marshal of Ramala, Kronas Elernin, to attack. The Ramala Legion surprised and routed the Kandian forces. Before hostilities could resume, Kanday and the Republic concluded a peace treaty ceding Kuseme, Eidru, and their territories to the Thardic Republic.   720TR - Major uprising among the Tulwyn Barbarians. The trade route to the Eastern Kingdoms is closed.   721TR - The Treaty of Themeson is signed between the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Rethem. Themeson Castle and assets are returned to the Republic in exchange for a range for concessions and a defensive alliance.


Lays claim to territories currently belonging to the Tulwyn and Gozyda barbarian as well as all lands up to and including Trobridge Inn.


The republic has a legionary-based military.   All free land-holding families support the military by levies or supplying and equipping Legionaries. More wealthy landholders supply light cavalryman and the rich knights.   The six legions and Red Guard are Hârn largest standing army with reserves able to rapidly swell it by a factor five. The legions are all well trained and well equipped.


The republic has the most tolerant religious climate in all of Hârn and the public worship of all gods except Naveh is legal.   Halea is popular particularly among the upper and middle classes in the Republic and many senators are adherents. The city of Sin, Shiran holds the seat of the Hârn Primate with great financial power.   Agrik has some following and attracts members from the Thardic nobility and especially the military. The church is effectively split by the bitter rivalry between two fractions, the Order of the Eight Demons and the Order of Hepra the Mace. The gladiatorial Pamesani Games run by the church are very popular with the commoners and rich alike.   Larani has many adherents, however its association with the Kanday throne causes some suspicion. Nonetheless, the church has supplied troops to the Republic on occasions and leading factions in the Senate supports a return to the Imperial or feudal system.   Ilvar has a poorly organized and small following.   Peoni is popular among the poor and rural population.   Save-K'nor is well represented and many members hold influential posts in government.   Morgath, worship is surprisingly strong among the republics poorest residents. The Order of the Lord of Chaos has carefully managed to give a voice to the dispossessed.

Foreign Relations

Relations with the neighboring kingdoms is tense. The Republic has recently won a very short lived war with Kingdom of Kanday.   Forces within the unstable Kingdom of Rethem without provocation seized some Thardic territory, however, a full-scale war was narrowly avoided and the territories were eventually returned.   Two tribal nations also border the Republic, the wary, cannibalistic and often violent Gozyda, and the ruthless well-organised Tulwyn. These are thorns in the side of the republic as the Tulwyn have the ability to rapidly form large armies if provoked and the Gozdya are protected by Kanday.

Location: Western Hârn
Atlas Maps: E6–7, F6–7, G6–7
Government: Republican Senate; Provincial Marshals and Magistrates
Culture: Republic
Population: 104,000
Capital: Coranan
Largest City: Coranan (pop. 12,500)
Exports: Salt, metals, dyes, perfumes, slaves, brasswares, pottery, textiles
Religion: All faiths except Naveh are accepted. Halean church is the most influential.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Silver Pieces
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Provincial magistrates
Executive Body
The Autocrat
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Harn Kingdoms
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