Ilvar Organization in Harn | World Anvil
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Ilvir is the only deity who dwells permanently on Hârn. He is best known as the lord-creator of the Ivashu Tieflings. Ilvir seldom ventures from his home at Araka-Kalai.  


The worship of Ilvir is scattered widely throughout Harn but is most common among the Ivinian of Orbaal.   Ilvir makes few demands on his followers and gives little in return.


There are Ilviran temples in Golotha, Tashal, Shiran, and Leriel, the last two being jumping-off points for pilgrimages to Araka-Kalai.

Tenets of Faith

Ilvir’s followers take nothing very seriously; there are numerous doctrines, some quite contradictory, followed by dozens of minor sects.


The religion is shrouded in so much mysticism that many claim even its clerics have no idea of what is going on. Ceremonies have been known to include animal and even human sacrifice but this does not seem to be an official part of ritual. Powers exercised by the clergy or by Ilvir himself tend to be very indirect.


He is symbolized by a sundered claw, representing the severed claws of Agrik that Ilvir picked up to make his creatures. His colors are yellow and brown.

Granted Divine Powers


"Master of Araka-Kalai, Brooder in
the Blasted Plains, Serpent that Dwells
Below, Accursed Lord of the Barren Cycle,
Prince of the Fatherless Multitude, Craven
Lord of Sterile Lands."
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Craven Lord
Notable Members
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