Melanius Geographic Location in Hamanshiron | World Anvil


Melanius is the largest single continent on Hamanshiron, about 25% larger than Valantaria, and is also the true centre for Human civilization, while Valantaria is the centre of the Light, Esira is the place from where the first humans came when they were evolved originally into the Virhu, the first men.   Melanius is also the most prosperous and wealthy part of Hamanshiron, with some of the largest merchant houses and banks on the planet, and where many of the wealthiest people on Hamanshiron have their money looked. The Bank of Esira has accounts on their books that are from nations and families that no longer exist, if anyone could prove they are the rightful heir to that money they could be potentially very rich.   Thirty-two nations make up the landmass of Melanius, with a number of different peoples from the Chariot riding Sahadik people of Northern Western Melanius, the Shadil people of Central Melanius that includes the Esirans, to the Great Hagiro riding Hyahrians from South East Melanius (Great Hagiros are essentially flying reptiles, with scales rather than the feathers on Dinosaurs)


Melanius has pretty much every type of terrain that Hamanshiron has, from rolling grasslands to huge Jungles, to deserts and mountains, with roaring rivers and babbling brooks.


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